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Content available remote Perspectives on the Notion of Truth in Arabic Philosophy
In the present paper, I assume that the notion of "truth" in philosophy would not have been clarified and tackled properly, if philosophers did not take into account earlier Arabic Medieval research contributions and build upon previous research findings. In the first place, I embark on the scrutiny of the rich aspect (or nature) of the Arabic Lexicon in terms of the "truth" meaning. In the second place, I take on the assumption that Arabic linguistic traditions imply different kinds of truths, depending on various spheres of human thoughts and actions based on the logical approach to "truth" (from Al-Kindi up to Averroes via Al-Farabi and Avicenna) and the term "al-haqiqha" as transliterated from Arabic, remain central. In conclusion, I take on an approach to "truth" that gives worth to logical perspectives at the very heart of Medieval Arab traditions in the light of what I would label as the "Omni-cultural Universality of Logic and Science". Keywords:Truth, Arabic philosophy, haqiqha, Omni-cultural universality, Al-Kindi, Al-Farabi, Avicenna, Averroes(original abstract)
Content available remote Atomy i dusza w systemie Demokryta
Ściśle rzecz biorąc właściwym twórcą atomizmu był Leukippos, nauczyciel Demokryta, ale to uczniowi przypisuje się ten wynalazek. Odróżnienia tego próbowali dokonać: Bailey [1926] oraz Kirk i Raven, [1999: 395-397]. Dla atomistów świat przestał być organizmem, a zaczął być mechanizmem. Atomy i próżnia nie są czymś, co należy pojąć analogicznie do ludzkiej duszy. Wystarczy analogia do ciała. Atomy jako twory mechaniczne nie mogły być dźwignią mogącą unieść człowieka do wyższego rodzaju egzystencji. Demokryt wcale tego od nich nie oczekiwał. Etyczny nerw tej filozofii nie tkwi w arche, tylko w powszechnym rozumie, który ma być wzorem dla rozumu ludzkiego. (fragment tekstu)
Początki myśli filozoficznej na ziemiach dzisiejszej Słowacji wiążą się jak najściślej z misją św. Cyryla i Metodego w Państwie Wielkomorawskim. Zaświadczają o tym liczne zabytki piśmiennictwa starosłowiańskiego, a przede wszystkim sławna wielkomorawska legenda Żywot Konstantyna-Cyryla, która - między innymi - przynosi też prawdopodobnie pierwszą "definicję" filozofii w języku starosłowiańskim. W niniejszym przyczynku zostanie podjęta próba analizy i interpretacji tej definicji oraz jej porównania z analogicznymi definicjami, jakie były znane już na gruncie antycznym oraz w kręgu bizantyńsko-chrześcijańskiej myśli filozoficznej. (fragment tekstu)
Content available remote Rousseau and the Roots of Modernity
W artykule przeanalizowano tematykę źródeł współczesnych wojen o kulturę w myśli Jana Jakuba Rousseau. Autor wskazuje, w jaki sposób myśl osiemnastowiecznego Francuza stanowi punkt odniesienia dla współczesnych stron dyskursu na temat wojen kulturowych.(abstrakt oryginalny)
Content available remote Przyszłość : poradnik użytkownika
Przyszłość nie zawsze jest określona przez przeszłość. Czasami jest ona zdeterminowana przez bardziej odległe przyszłości, a czasem przez nasze działania w teraźniejszości. Aby skutecznie myśleć o przyszłości, trzeba wyjść poza paradygmat klasycznego determinizmu. (abstrakt oryginalny)
This paper intends to an analysis of the adage from Juvenal-mens sana in corpore sano - within the philosophy of the Stoa, as a form of axiological aretology by to opoosition by teleological aretology, from the Aristotelian thought. This framework set out a new vision for the phenomenological relationship between physical activity and health(original abstract)
Content available remote Humanistica e teologia
According to Kant beautiful is the lust object, and he refers to the universal complacence that universality is beautiful, and the sublime será o ânimo estético that comes from aesthetic judgment. However, according to St. Thomas from Aquinas beautiful is - quod visa placent. (original abstract)
Fryderyk Nietzsche w swoich dziełach odnosi się do osób mu współczesnych a także do postaci i zdarzeń z przeszłości. Jednym z twórców, którzy cieszyli się jego zainteresowaniem był Sokrates. W artykule opisano zarzuty wytaczane przez Nietzschego Sokratesowi dotyczące krytyki jego poglądów na temat wartości życia.
In this article we analyze the personality and the pedagogical contribution of Alasdair MacIntyre, who can be counted among leading philosophers of the 20th century. The important part of Alasdair MacIntyre's thinking from the point of view of virtue development is the search leading to a good life, which in his theory is inevitably connected with the narrative dimension. Education to virtues is thus becoming inevitable for a child to be once able to recognize what helps to build a good life.(original abstract)
Content available remote Wittgensteinove epistemické limity
L. Wittgenstein (in 1919) believed that the Tractatus suplied the definitive solution to all the problems of philosophy, and - in other sense - to all problems of science. Later, in the twenties and thirties, he has changed his opinions. The conception of philosophy only as a critique of language have been discarded. In this paper we tried to describe Wittgenstein's position in the field of cognitive function of science and the philosophy.(original abstract)
Content available remote Inny według Kristevy
Other categories Kristeva connects with the discovery of the unconscious. With the impact that is another subject and vice versa is revealed to some extent, "another scene" events, the scene allows a more complete analysis of text, another of his logic. At this point it seems important to explain why, in relation to Julia Kristeva continues to combine the concepts of text and body? Why the text is treated on a par with experience from outside it? Well, Kristeva answers this question rather enigmatically, as it seems, joining - or giving the text and the experience of other names - and being subjective. As far as subjectivity is Kristeva goes here Freudian lines. It is not understood as adenial of consciousness but that consciousness of the place before its flagged. Freud discovered the unconscious mechanisms made a symbolic murder of Descartes. Awareness - subjectivity is no longer central - or of course the only one- the unit organizing the subjectivity of self(original abstract)
Content available remote A hospitalidade entre a ascese e a mística segundo Derrida
A hospitalidade traz consigo a amizade como efectiva condição de realização da nossa vida. Parece não haver amigos. Mas há amizade, tal como professa Der-rida, se presentemente não existem amigos, façamos justamente com que fu-turamente passe a haver, amigos desta "amizade soberana e mestra" (souveraine et maitrêsse amitié). Eis ao que chamo à atenção, respondei-me e será a nossa responsabilidade. A amizade não será nunca uma dádiva presente, pertence à experiência da espera, da promessa ou do empenhamento. O seu discurso pertence à oração, que inaugura, que nada verifica, que não se contenta com aqui-lo que será, que se transporta, neste lugar, onde uma responsabilidade abre ao "por-vir"1. Toda a hospitalidade será o "Zukunft" (o que há-de vir) da amizade, sendo esta um diálogo entre um anfitrião e um estrangeiro entre petições. A hos-pitalidade verdadeira deverá viver como amizade, onde há muitas promessas. Na hospitalidade, não há uma amizade estética, sendo de preferência, marcada pela amizade ética, que exige uma confiança e respeito incondicionais, como professa Kant, de tal forma que as duas pessoas presentes (anfitrião e estrangeiro) devem partilhar, não só as suas impressões, como também os seus julgamentos.(fragment tekstu)
Content available remote Ohlas hegelovej filozofie v tvorbe Ľ. Štúra
Filozofické myslenie na Slovensku v 19. storočí reagovalo na viaceré smery európskej filozofie. Najvýznamnejší ohlas na Slovensku zaznamenala dobová nemecká filozofia, osobitne "filozofia dejín" J. G. Herdera, "transcendentálny idealizmus" I. Kanta a "dialektický idealizmus" G. W. F. Hegela. Na Hegelovu filozofiu reagoval aj hlavný predstaviteľ slovenského národno-uvedomovacieho a obrodeneckého hnutia, Ľudovít Štúr (1815-1856). Ľudovít Štúr nebol profesionálnym filozofom. K filozofii si však začal formovať vzťah už počas štúdií na ev. lýceu v Bratislave v rokoch 1829 - 1836. Jeho záujem kulminoval v rokoch 1836 - 1840, kedy absolvoval študijný pobyt v Nemecku. Na univerzite v Halle sa vtedy dostal do bezprostredného kontaktu s takými profesormi, akými boli R. Ropell, J. E. Erdmann a J. Schaller. Všetko to boli stúpenci Hegela.(fragment tekstu)
Content available remote Ю.М. Лотман. Теория текста
Of the variety of language problems of one of the most important is the problem of meaning. On the question, what is the value, you can immediately give an approximate answer, saying that the value - it's what the sign says. Such a definition of values is acceptable, provided that we know what the sign, ie definition of value requires a definition of the linguistic sign. Science deals with the study of the value semantics, it is closely related to the study of properties of objects to perform the function of signs, the creation of the general theory of signs in all their manifestations, that is the task of science of semiotics, which is a synthesis of philosophical, linguistic and cultural ideas. The relevance of the study of semiotic concepts due to the special status of the language in the context of the humanities. Semantics and semiotics have a relatively young age in the status of a particular area of scientific knowledge. Its birth can be dated to the beginning of the last century, when they saw the light of the work of Charles Peirce, Charles Morris and F. de Saussure. Along with the increasing interest in the language increases the need for systematization of methodological approaches and understanding of the mosaic view of language, which is difficult to reconstruction and description. Hardly having registered as a scientific discipline, semiotics quickly disintegrated into many private semiotician, where its philosophical content pushed aside.(original abstract)
Content available remote Filozofická hermeneutika H. G. Gadamera a skúsenosť hermeneutiky náboženstva
Heidegger thus attempted to give a hermeneutic circle base that would besomething more than just epistemology. His hermeneutics becomes a realontology, which prohibits return to epistemological issues. It is this aporia has become the central problem of philosophical hermeneutics H. G. Gadamer (1900-2002). First introduced to the scientific problem of consciousness essay of 1958,where he developed features of hermeneutical ontology. The essay can be foundin his greatest work, published in 1960 Wahrheit und Methode (Truth andmethod.) The author confirms her ontological universality of understanding, alsocalled the hermeneutic universalism. It follows that understanding as well as theoriginal ontological character of every human life. Hermeneutics is the basicaspects of existence, that it creates in the finiteness and historicity, which make up the sum of his experiences in the world. These aspects make the process ofunderstanding something as universal and constitutive. Another aspect ofGadamer is very important as it relates to historical tradition. "Man is a projectlike this confirmed by Heidegger, but it is brought from the past and is tied is a tradition. Gadamer, in controversy with rehabilitating Enlightenment hermeneutictradition of fertility. Understanding can not be seen as an action organization,rather than the vivid integration into the historical process of transmission in whichpast and present continuously synthesized. "Gadamer explains, so that manexists as a historical phenomenon that it is determined.(original abstract)
Content available remote Evolution and Non-evolution. Bergson and Fabre
Par la recherche, on peut dire que la théorie d'évolution accepta le résultat de la théorie de non-évolution, au contraire, la théorie de non-évolution contribua à la théorie d'évolution. Comme les éléments de la métaphysique et de la philosophie se mélangent l'un et l'autre sur le concept d'évolution, la théorie d'évolution ne peut pas avoir la base ferme et le système indépendant de la physique. Une telle qualité de la théorie de l'évolution rend la matière plus complexe. La question suivante est la plus difficile. Est-ce que la répartition des sexes de l'oeuf que va pondre l'abeille (Osmie) est évolution ou non-évolution? Bien que l'être humain soit plus évolué que l'abeille, l'être humain ne peut pas faire la répartition des sexes. La logique européenne ne peut pas expliquer le choix entre les deux. De mon point de vue, je ne peux rien dire (le néant). Évolution ou non-évolution n'est qu'une interprétation de la relation entre l'être humain et l'être vivant. Le concept de la répartition des sexes dépasse la notion d'évolution et de non-évolution. Donc, je veux exposer la nouvelle logique. Si on dit que c'est l'évolution, c' est l'évolution. Si on dit que ce n'est pas l'évolution, ce n'est pas l'évolution. L'homme ne peut les confirmer par la biologie. On ne peut rien dire. Si on dit qu'il est, il existe. Si on dit qu'il n'est pas, il n'existe pas. On ne peut rien dire. Cette théorie transcende le néant et l'être relatifs. Je l'appelle «La logique du Néant Transcendant (Néant Absolu )» et elle crée un horizon nouveau de la philosophie. (abstrakt oryginalny)
W artykule omówiono dwa spotkania rosyjskiego filozofa M. Bakunina z Lelewelem w 1844 roku i w 1847/48. Przedstawiono wpływ Lelewela na późniejsze poglądy M. Bakunina.
Artykuł jest kontynuacją rozważań dotyczących życia i poglądów M. Bakunina, rosyjskiego filozofa oraz jego powiązania z filozofią Hegla. Pierwsza część artykułu znajduje się w Pracach Naukowych AE Wrocław nr 752.
Autor omawia wpływ i przenikanie filozofii niemieckiej do Rosji w XIX w. Przedstawiono życie i poglądy rosyjskiego filozofa A. Bakunina oraz jego związki z filozofią Hegla.
Content available remote Ancient philosophy of lovesickness Plutarch, Cleopatra and Eros
Over the centuries, Cleopatra VII, the famous queen of the Nile, has uttered thousands of amorous sentences in countless dramas, poems, novels, librettos and films. Historians, writers and artists of all periods, selecting the Egyptian monarch as the "hero" of their works, referred, and still continue to do so, primarily to the Life of Antony by a great Greek philosopher and moralist - Plutarch of Chaeronea. It might seem that it was Plutarch who presented Cleopatra a woman overcome with genuine passionate love. But does the queen in the Plutarch's work really, even for a moment, experience the true agony of love? The problem with this is that if we reject the Shakespearean prism through which we used to view Cleopatra created by Plutarch and we analyse the Life of Antony exclusively in the context of other works of the moralist from Chaeronea, we will not perceive an Egyptian Dido cursing her lover and dying of love. It is a delusion that in the final parts of the Life of Antony, the monarch's previously feigned or perhaps concealed love for the Roman commander is manifested as true - as is stated by many researchers identifying in Plutarch's work the specific elements of romance in which the lovers' feelings are reciprocated.(original abstract)
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