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1996 | nr 128 | 165
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Otoczenie i przedsiębiorczość w zarządzaniu strategicznym organizacją gospodarczą

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Environment and Entrepreneurship in the Strategic Management of an Organization
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Rozprawa opisuje wzajemne powiązania pomiędzy otoczeniem, strategią i przedsiębiorczością we współczesnej organizacji gospodarczej. Autorka w pierwszych trzech rozdziałach identyfikuje problematykę pracy, a następnie, w rozdziale czwartym prezentuje analizę i diagnozę zależności strategii, badania otoczenia i przedsiębiorczości w małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach. Charakterystyka małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw przeprowadzona została na przykładzie województwa krakowskiego. W rozdziale piątym zaprezentowane zostały wyniki jednostkowego badania makrootoczenia ze względu na wybór strategii wejścia na rynek polski przedsiębiorstwa niemieckiego, zoperacjonalizowaną diagnozę strategiczną, koncepcję przedsiębiorczości wewnętrznej i jej zastosowanie w realizacji strategii przedsiębiorstwa.
The importance of scanning the environment and developing entrepreneurship in a firm results from the determinism of changes in the environment and organization, and structural connections between them. The environment study is aimed at searching and defining opportunities-chances and threats in the environment, which enable the concretization of the strategy of management, increasing the development possibilities of an organization. The paper presents an environment scanning model aiding in developing entrepreneurship in an organization. According to the situational approach the process of studying the environment of a firm consists of the the following phases: 1) environment identification, 2) environment monitoring, 3) forecasting of future trends of changes, 4) evaluation of present and future conditions of the environment. The level of entrepreneurship in an organization influences the direction of observation and scanning of the firm environment. The unit process of scanning the firm environment consists of the following phases: 1) preliminary phase, 2) preparation of the study, 3) realization of the study, 4) control and evaluation of the results. For the identification of the environment of an organization, its description is of special importance because of the accepted criteria and quantification of the environment elements. The methods and techniques of assessing the condition of the environment have been presented with reference to assessing of its dynamics, uncertainty (risk), intensity of competition and pressure of innovations on the strategic choices of the activities of an organization. The observation and definition of the environment condition are subjective and characteristic of a given organization, and directed in accordance with the current objective limitations. The theoretical model of scanning the environment which aids in the development of entrepreneurship in an organization has been adapted to the analysis of the environment in small and medium-sized firms at various stages of development, of various forms of ownership, functioning in the district of Cracow. Special Attention is given to the problem of scanning the macroenvironment and competitors in small and medium-sized firms. The adaptation of the environment scanning model in big firms has been presented in the context of the strategy of entering the Polish market by a foreign firm. The basic assumptions of the strategic reorientation of a Polish firm have been presented by means of the operationalized SWOT analysis and the introduction of the conception of intrapreneurship. (original abstract)
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