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2001 | nr 576 | 35--47
Tytuł artykułu

Uwagi o racjonalności i irracjonalności myśli Platona na tle sporu racjonalizmu z irracjonalizmem

Warianty tytułu
Some Remarks on Rationalism and Irrationalism in Plato's Thought Against the Background of the Rationalism Versus Irrationalism Debate
Języki publikacji
Autorka przeprowadziła analizę racjonalnych i irracjonalnych elementów myśli Platona. Rozróżnienie tych elementów umożliwiło jaśniejsze zrozumienie konfliktu pomiędzy myśleniem racjonalnym a irracjonalnym.
In the Rationalism vs Irrationalism debate, Plato's thought is generally regarded as lying on the side of rationalism. The most important features of Platonic Rationalism include: the adoption of a rational method and theory of knowledge based on concepts, and a critique of sensory perception. On the other hand, certain trains of thought pointing to Irrationalism can also be identified in Plato s work. One of these is discussed in Feast: the idea of love as an alternative path to the world of ideas and Plato's treatment of "madness". A second concerns the philosopher's repeated references to the world of myths and his use of poetic language. A third concerns the absence of an ultimate solution to the fundamental metaphysical problem posed in The Seventh Letter. The author's study of both the rational and irrational elements in Plato's work, leading to a distinction between rational and irrational thought, allows for a clearer understanding of the conflict between Rationalism and Irrationalism. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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