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2004 | nr 1035 Zastosowania rozwiązań informatycznych w instytucjach finansowych | 58--71
Tytuł artykułu

Norma bezpieczeństwa e-banking, oczekiwania i wymagania z punktu widzenia potrzeb klienta

Warianty tytułu
E-Banking, Security Standards,Expectations and Requirements from the Customer's Viewpoint
Języki publikacji
W artykule dokonano przeglądu aktów prawnych, wytycznych, norm i rekomendacji w zakresie wymogów bezpieczeństwa dotyczących usług bankowości elektronicznej w Polsce. Następnie omówiono postrzeganie tego bezpieczeństwa z punktu widzenia potrzeb klientów indywidualnych i instytucjonalnych. Zastosowane mechanizmy bezpieczeństwa różnią się w zależności od segmentu rynku, do którego klient należy. W artykule przeprowadzono analizę porównawczą wymagań dużego przedsiębiorstwa oraz klienta indywidualnego.
The increasing number of households having access to the Internet contributes to the dynamic development of the electronic banking sector in Poland. Based on eEurope program for the development of informational society prepared by the European Union the Ministry of Infrastructure created an analogical development strategy for Poland in 2002 - ePoland 2006. One of its goals is the development of Polish IT industry with regard to products and commercial services for IT society and development of secure IT infrastructure. What is related to it is the establishment of up-to-date telecommunications and IT infrastructure allowing for common and secure access to a wide scope of services. On March 10, 2003 the law on providing electronic banking services, which was passed on July 18, 2002 became effective. This law is the implementation of electronic trade directive of the European Union in Poland. It specifies obligations of entities providing services via electronic way (thus also by means of the Internet); principles of responsibility due to providing services via electronic way and specific principles of personal data protection in case of persons using this type of services. Apart from that it includes regulations as regards the following: • Obligation to guarantee privacy and confidentiality in using electronic services, • Guaranteeing adequate techniques aimed at securing confidentiality and integrity of the data transferred. This law also imposes an obligation on the service provider to grant the service user access to the current information about specific dangers connected with using the service provided via electronic way. Another law, including also the electronic signature law, having fundamental significance for the development of electronic economy, is the electronic payment instruments law of September 12, 2002 passed by Sejm. The clauses of this law introduce among others standards for the functioning of electronic banking - the area, which has been regulated by general regulations so far. One of many impediments for e-business development - and thus also for electronic banking - is the lack of complete security in the Internet, which can be observed all the time. Although the security standards exist they are neither commonly used, nor commonly accepted because they do not guarantee protection that could not be broken. Besides, they are relatively expensive in terms of their implementation and maintenance. Common access to the Internet changed the image of customer's communication with the bank. This development brought a lot of advantages, but also resulted in the regular occurrence of threats for security. Each bank, running its business via the Internet is responsible for informing and educating customers as regards using the bank's services in a secure manner. Customers often fail to realise that security of their money does not depend only on the bank as such. Providing a product or a service should then be only a part of information the customer receives. Customers should be informed about occurring threats on a current basis, and what is connected with it - encouraged to raise the security level of their IT systems. Taking care of the customer's security should also constitute an element of the banks' security policy, which is to bring the mutual benefit and raise the customers' trust in e-banking services. (original abstracts)
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