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Podstawy funkcjonowania rynku nieruchomości : ujęcie teoretyczne

Warianty tytułu
The Real Estate Market : the Theoretical Framework
Języki publikacji
Omówiono strukturę rynku nieruchomości, przedstawiono powiązania rynku nieruchomości z gospodarką, naświetlając szczególnie związki z rynkami finansowymi. Podjęto rozważania teoretyczne nad ryzykiem inwestowania na rynku nieruchomości oraz metodami zarządzania tym ryzykiem. Omówiono związki pomiędzy efektywnością inwestycji w nieruchomości a wartością nieruchomości. Przedstawiono znaczenie kredytu jako podstawowego źródła finansowania inwestycji na rynku nieruchomości. Dokonano także oceny funkcjonowania rynku nieruchomości w Polsce.
This monograph is a common work of Department of Investment and Real Estate, University of Lodz. It is an overview of various fields of interest of the researchers. The main idea is to show same theoretical approaches and some practical examples of the real estate market development. The monograph is made of 6 chapters. The first chapter depicts the fundamentals of the real estate market. It describes different theoretical approaches to this market, same specific features and models of this market. The second chapter has more practical character. It portrays links between the real estate market and economy. It concentrates on connection between the real estate market and financial market and underlines the importance of real estate as an investment vehicle. There are also mentioned some cyclical changes in the real estate market activity and their connections with business cycles. The third chapter introduces the problem of the real estate investment risk. There are mentioned various sources of risk and different measures and the problem of risk management. There is also a part of the chapter devoted to connections between risk and real estate valuation. The fourth chapter presents the level of the real estate market efficiency with respect to real estate value. There are mentioned analysis of the real estate market efficiency as an element of valuation process. There is also cross-country comparison of rate of return in different investments. The fifth chapter concentrates on real estate finance, especially with respect to banking activity. There are depicted various models of real estate finance and their advantages and weaknesses. The sixth chapter is devoted to the Polish real estate market. It describes the stages of the market development and concentrates on housing with respect to housing stock, building activity, financing, privatisation and social housing. This chapter also presents the Polish real estate market on the ground of the EEC real estate markets. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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