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2004 | nr 1040 Finanse i rachunkowość - teoria i praktyka | 124--136
Tytuł artykułu

Próba identyfikacji przyczyn wybuchu kryzysu bankowego w Argentynie w latach 1994-1995

Warianty tytułu
An Attempt to Identify the Causes of the Banking Crisis Outbreak in Argentina in the Years 1994-1995
Języki publikacji
Problematyką artykułu jest kryzys bankowy w Argentynie w latach 1994-1995. Omówiono tutaj sytuacje makroekonomiczną i regulacje dotyczące systemu finansowego przed wybuchem kryzysu. Wymieniono przyczyny i fazy samego wybuchu kryzysu bankowego w Argentynie.
The article is the trial of identification the causes of the outbreak of banking crisis in Argentina, which take place in years 1994-1995. As a starting point to identify this causes, the article presents macroeconomic situation and banking system before the crisis and also the main phase of the banking crisis development. This background gives the possibility of identify the caused, which trigger off banking crisis in Argentina. Distinguished causes were divided into 3 groups. In first group - macro-economic causes of the crisis - there are such causes like: external shock triggered off by devaluation of Mexican peso and influence of this events on perception of Argentina and its country risk by investors and macroeconomic imbalances (current account deficit, public debt). Second group of causes -that are causes regarding to banking system - there are distressed and deteriorating situation of provincial banks, bankruptcy of Extrader and financial problems of other banks, which have high share of bond and other papers in their portfolios as well as poor transparency of banking system and lack of deposit insurance scheme. And last group of causes there are psychological causes, where there are indicated the negative past experiences with banking crisis.(original abstract)
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