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2008 | nr 1198 | 238
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Osobowość organizacji : zastosowanie w praktyce zarządzania

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Organizational Personality : Its Application in Management Practice
Języki publikacji
Przedstawiono wybrane koncepcje wywodzące się z nauk o organizacji i zarządzaniu oraz teorii psychologicznych ważne dla tematyki osobowości organizacji. Przedstawiono dorobek badań psychologicznych na temat dynamiki grup, odwołując się do podejścia społeczno-poznawczego oraz prac psychoanalityków grupowych. Zamieszczono przegląd teorii i badań mówiących o znaczeniu emocji w życiu organizacji i podkreślono znaczenie, jakie mają emocje przeżywane na poziomie nie tylko jednostki, lecz także grupy i organizacji. Omówiono pokrótce koncepcje E. Scheina i G. Hofstede'a i przedstawiono przegląd definicji kultury organizacyjnej. Zaprezentowano koncepcję tożsamości zbiorowej wychodząc od pojęcia "ja" stosowanego w odniesieniu do jednostki, poprzez koncepcje tożsamości indywidualnej. Przedstawiono własne rozumienie osobowości organizacji oraz omówiono zagadnienia metodologiczne i wyniki badań empirycznych nt. osobowości organizacji.
The idea of organizational personality is an attempt to look upon an organization and problems in its management in broader terms by invoking psychological concepts of personality, with special regard to the psychoanalytic approach. Considering an organization in categories of personality, pointing out the close connection with the personalities of its leaders, also shifts attention from the individual and the individual sources of emotional processes to group processes which arise within the framework determined by the structure as well as the character of the organization's basic activity. While regarding such concepts as culture and personality or identity and personality as interchangeable is treated critically here, effort was made to show their differences as well as their interdependence. In this article, an understanding of organizational personality is presented as the whole of the internal mechanisms which integrate the psychological and social activities of an organization's members under the conditions determined by its structure and the nature of its activity. The theoretical bases for the idea of organizational personality as well as its scope and specificity are discussed by reference to organizational culture and organizational identity. A suggestion for a research approach is also presented as are the results of a study which indicate the possibilities offered by the application of the idea of organizational personality in the managing an organization. This article is conceptual in that it presents certain ways of thinking about an organization based on the mechanisms of the functioning of personality. Viewing an organization using categories of personality reveals the influence of individual ways of acting and of adaptation to the environment which representatives of the leadership display while managing on the whole organization's way of functioning. It shows that individual style of functioning and the functioning style of the whole organization have points in common, whereas identifying typical dysfunctions and locating their sources allows one to plan countermeasures accurately if they are necessary in the given organization. (short original abstract)
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