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2009 | nr 795 | 45--55
Tytuł artykułu

Współczesne migracje wykwalifikowanych Polaków : uwagi dotyczące możliwych skutków gospodarczych

Warianty tytułu
Contemporary Migrations of Qualified Poles : Some Comments Concerning Possible Economic Consequences
Języki publikacji
Celem niniejszego artykułu nie jest więc odpowiedź na pytanie, jak współczesna emigracja wykwalifikowanych pracowników z Polski wpłynie na sytuację gospodarczą, a raczej pokazanie jakie skutki emigracji mogą się pojawić, a także ustosunkowanie się do dyskursu popularno-naukowego w celu wyjaśnienia pewnych nieporozumień i wyjaśnienia pewnych szkodliwych "mitów" na temat migracji. (...) W artykule opisano warunki panujące w Irlandii i Wielkiej Brytanii, ponieważ po 2004 r. popularność tych krajów jako miejsc pracy dla emigrantów z Polski wzrosła. (fragment tekstu)
Since Poland's entry into the European Union, emigration has become a "fashionable" subject. The media have particularly focussed on economic emigration. Academics studying migration have found themselves in the spotlight and also under extreme pressure. People want answers to such questions as: how many have left? Who are these emigrants? What does their departure mean for the economy, social ties at home, and the identity of the emigrants themselves? However, most of these questions cannot be answered - there is still a lack of reliable data - or, at best, only tentative hypotheses can be put forward. The new emigration from Poland needs to be thoroughly studied, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Only in a few years time will the picture that emerges from these studies provide answers to some of the above questions. The aim of this article, therefore, is not to describe how the contemporary emigration of qualified workers from Poland will affect the economy, but rather to show what the consequences of emigration might be. In particular, the author wishes to take a stance on the popular/academic debate going on in the Polish press, with the aim of clearing up certain misunderstandings and debunking certain harmful "myths" on the subject of migration. The author draws attention not only to the current scale of emigration of qualified Poles, but also to their socio-economic situation. He describes conditions in Ireland and Great Britain, as the popularity of these countries as destinations for Polish emigrants has grown dramatically since 2004. Although the current situation may prove to be temporary, certain trends on the labour markets of these countries are disturbing. Young qualified Poles work in positions that are decidedly unattractive and poorly paid, and their qualifications are not sufficiently made use of. If the current trend continues, it may have far-reaching and serious consequences for the educational system in Poland and also for the economy. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie
  • Accession Monitoring Report, May 2004 - September 2006, Home Office, Department for Work and Pensions, November 2006.
  • Brzozowski J., Zjawisko drenażu mózgów w teorii ekonomii, Zeszyty Naukowe, UEK w Krakowie, Kraków, w druku.
  • Drinkwater S., Eade J., Garapich M., Poles Apart? EU Enlargement and the Labour Market Outcomes of Immigrants in the UK, IZA DP No. 2140, October 2006.
  • Dutka G., Młodzi Polacy w Londynie. Społeczne i kulturowe konsekwencje życia na emigracji po 1989 roku, „Przegląd Polonijny” 2006, r. XXXII, z. 1.
  • Garapich M., London’s Polish Borders. Class and Ethnicity of Global City Migrants, CRONEM 2006.
  • Hanson G.H., Woodruff C., Emigration and Educational Attainment in Mexico, wor-king paper, April 2003, Gordon%20 Hanson .pdf.
  • Kaczmarczyk P., Okólski M., Migracje specjalistów wysokiej klasy w kontekście członkostwa Polski w Unii Europejskiej, UKIE Warszawa 2005.
  • Kaczmarczyk P., Polska i współczesne procesy migracyjne - stan wiedzy, referat wygłoszony na posiedzeniu Komitetu Badania Polonii PAN, 4 grudnia 2006.
  • Labour Migration into Ireland, Imigrant Council of Ireland, 2003.
  • Okólski M., Costs and Benefis of Migration for Central European Countries, CMR Working Papers, No. 7/65, 2006.
  • Tokarski T.Ł., Oto Polska właśnie! „Zmywak”, 11.12.2006,
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