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2009 | nr 2 (23) | 127--149
Tytuł artykułu

Interpretative Approach in Management Sciences

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Nowadays the interpretative approach is getting more popular in management sciences. It is based on several assumptions. Its key factor is the understanding of the organizational reality as a social construct and in the framework of management sciences, as a temporary consensus of the "communicative community" of researchers and practitioners. It is supposed to lead to the identification of language games which take place in the discourse on management, within individual trends and theories, and even on the local scale within organizations. The researcher's involvement means agreement to intervene in the cognizable corporate world. Neo-pragmatic orientation balances the casual and scientific discourses. Perception of the meaning of hermeneutic and symbolic processes stresses the historic and non-universal character of management knowledge. It is postulated to use humanistic methodology derived from cultural anthropology, humanistic sociology, linguistics, pedagogy, cognitive sciences and psychology. Accepting suggested assumptions, we can propose the reinterpretation of basic management notions and concepts which concern strategy, structure and corporate culture.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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