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2004 | 11 | nr 3 | 29--50
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Challenges for European Union Cohesion and Innovation Policies : Conclusions for Poland

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The European Union after the 2004 enlargement faces two basic challenges in its economic policy: to improve European global competitiveness and to limit the scope of economic and social differences among "old" and "new" Member States. On the one hand, the lack of economic and technological competitiveness would result in the gradual marginalisation of Europe as a global economic and political player, especially compared with American and Asian rivals. On the other hand, deepening differences between the Western and Eastern parts of Europe would result in a permanent split of the continent into the centre and peripheries, with various social, economic and political problems for a united Europe. The instrument for European competitiveness in a global economy is the EU technological research and development policy. The major instrument for better cohesion inside an enlarged Europe is the EU economic and social cohesion policy. In the first part of this article, I analyse both policies, especially recent developments and proposals for change for the 2007-13 period. In the final part of the article, I offer some remarks on Polish economic policy. (fragment of text)
Opis fizyczny
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