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2005 | 1 Ład instytucjonalny w gospodarce | 211--231
Tytuł artykułu

Bezpieczeństwo obrotu pieniężnego jako przesłanka dla wprowadzenia uniwersalnego nadzoru finansowego

Warianty tytułu
Safety of Money Turnover as a Premise for the Introduction of a Universal Financial Supervision
Języki publikacji
Autor prezentuje kolejno zalety i wady uniwersalnego nadzoru finansowego oraz doświadczenia niektórych krajów w zakresie jego wprowadzania. Artykuł zamyka sformułowanie postulatów w kwestii stworzenia w Polsce jednolitego, zintegrowanego nadzoru finansowego. (fragment tekstu)
The introduction of free market in Poland entails a number of social and economic reforms, including financial market, which is the foundation of economy. In this respect one of the most important legal issue is comprehensively regulate the functioning and supervision of the financial system. Well organised and effectively operated financial supervision guarantees the stability of whole national financial system and consequently also the whole economy of the state. Obviously, the Polish financial market will be undergoing certain changes. It is important that such changes should be introduced on the basis of experience. At the same time new solutions may have to be considered, for example the establishment of the single financial supervision authority. To carry out this goal, we must first of all examine the rules and principles (legislation) according to which older. The research goal of the paper is to answer the question to what extent the existing legal regulations governing the functioning of financial markets in Poland are sufficient for the realisation of integrated financial supervision strategy. The above mentioned goal should be treated as fundamental, around which numerous other goals arise. The aim of this article is the presentation, accompanied by an analysis of the Polish financial law, regulations and their conformity with the doctrine proposals, in particular: unification of supervisory functions, continuous supervision methods, consolidation of supervisory actions and the ways of ensuring that financial institutions execute the supervisory recommendation issued by integrated, supervisory organs. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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