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1991 | nr 98 | 178
Tytuł artykułu

Zapobieganie ujemnym skutkom elektryzacji w transporcie pneumatycznym

Warianty tytułu
Prevention of the Adverse Effects of Electrification During the Pneumatic Conveyance
Języki publikacji
W niniejszej pracy przeprowadzono badania nad elektryzacją materiałów sypkich podczas transportu pneumatycznego. W oparciu o analizę literatury polskiej i zagranicznej oraz własne doświadczenia badawcze zaproponowano metodykę badawczą oraz analizę danych empirycznych. Główny "punkt ciężkości" pracy skoncentrowano na związku między elektryzacją materiału w wyładowaniami elektrostatycznymi, które stanowią ryzyko inicjacji zapłonu mediów palnych, wybuchu i, w konsekwencji, wypadku będącego zagrożeniem dla ludzi i pociągającego straty materialne. (fragment tekstu)
The paper deals with the studies on the electrification of loose material during the pneumatic conveyance. The author focuses on the relationship between the material electrification and a static discharge which, with flammable media, creates a risk of ignition initiation, explosion and, in consequence, an accident that is not only a danger to people but also causes material losses. A theory of static phenomena occurring during the pneumatic conveyance and when filling containers with loose material has been presented. The relevant tests were carried out on laboratory and industrial scales. A method of measuring the charges carried through a static discharge has been suggested. A statistical method of evaluating the risk of ignition initiation and explosion of flammable media as a result of a static discharge has been worked out. Basing on the carried out experiments a number of methods have been worked out concerning the limitation of the static discharge generation in the pneumatic conveyance systems. Beside the well-known methods, such as the use of high-humidity carrier gas, it is possible, in the author's opinion, to decrease effectively the degree of material electrification by means of the transport characterized by high concentration of the solid load (low transport speed and high mass flow rate). Much attention has been given to the problem of decreasing the risk of a high-energy discharge in a silo through the exertion of a low-energy discharge and thereby a safe discharge of the material. It has been shown, theoretically and experimentally, that the properly installed in a silo and earthed small-diameter conductors prevent the high-energy discharge by discharging the electrified material through the increase in the number (frequency) of the low-energy discharges. (original abstract)
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