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2014 | t. 15, z. 11, cz. 1 Zarządzanie - nowe perspektywy w dobie zmian demograficznych | 65--80
Tytuł artykułu

International Entrepreneurship and the Third Age: The Effect of the Entrepreneur's Age on Internationalisation of Polish Businesses

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The article focuses on the effect of the age, especially the third age on international entrepreneurship. The main objective of the article is to verify whether the age of the entrepreneur has an impact or effect on internationalisation process. The V4 research survey results and the sample of 190 internationalized Polish businesses were used in order to meet the objective and verify the assumed hypotheses. Based on the research results, motivation to go international is higher among the youngest rather than the third age entrepreneurs. Third age entrepreneurs are more likely to be less cosmopolitan and less open towards international markets than the young entrepreneurs. The third age entrepreneurs have more experience in international markets than their younger counterparts. The firms run by the third age entrepreneurs are more internationalised measuring by the TNI value. (original abstract)
  • Cracow University of Economics, Poland
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