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2014 | nr 233 | 239
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Międzynarodowy handel dziełami sztuki w Unii Europejskiej : podejście grawitacyjne i sieciowe

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The International Trade of Artwork in the European Union : the Gravitational and Networking Approaches
Języki publikacji
W niniejszej pracy przedmiotem rozważań jest międzynarodowy handel dziełami sztuki w krajach Unii Europejskiej. Głównym celem pracy jest wyjaśnienie prawidłowości opisujących międzynarodowy handel dziełami sztuki w krajach członkowskich Unii Europejskiej z zastosowaniem podejścia grawitacyjnego i sieciowego. Praca ma charakter teoretyczno-empiryczny. W części teoretycznej przeprowadzono pogłębione studia literaturowe o charakterze interdyscyplinarnym. W części empirycznej zaprezentowano wyniki analiz międzynarodowego handlu dziełami sztuki. Książka została podzielona na pięć rozdziałów, a jej struktura wynika bezpośrednio z postawionych celów pracy. (fragment tekstu)
The monograph is intended to fill the gap in the literature of cultural economics on the analysis of the international trade of art. The aim of the thesis was to describe and explain the issue of international trade of works of art as the specific objects being traded between countries. The two methodological approaches are used in the work: gravitational and networking. In the monograph, how a work of art is defined across different academic disciplines is described and an overview of concepts used to define a piece of art by differentia specifica is presented along with theories of art. A work of art is characterised as a cultural good and a part of national heritage, and as such is legally protected, including against exportation. Artwork is classified as an economic good that satisfies human needs beyond basic ones and has certain value (market, utilitarian, consumer, artistic, aesthetic). A review of economic theories of value in the context of assessing the value of works of art is also done. The premises for the foreign trade of artwork are identified and their appropriateness to such works was analysed in the light of the theories of foreign trade. The barriers to the international trade of artwork (political, legal-economic-cultural, institutional, and distance between countries) are also presented. The protection of national cultural goods in the EU against exportation is discussed in the context of the European single market. The instruments involved in the foreign trade of artwork in the EU are highlighted, as are the internal regulations governing national art markets, which indirectly influence international trade, and regulations of international law. The analysis of the dynamics and structure of the trade of art in the countries of the EU is noteworthy. The characteristics of art markets in the member states are described in the light of the international art market with a particular focus on the share these countries have in the global art market. The institutional organisation of the art markets of selected EU countries is also presented. In addition to that, the most important trends evident on the art market in recent years are outlined. Statistical data on the international trade of artwork from the 27 countries of the EU from 2004-2012 is then analysed. The author attempts to describe the foreign trade of artwork in EU countries based on Newton's theory of gravity and gravity models applied to the analysis of socio-economic phenomena. The classical models of gravity were constructed based on GDP, GDP per capita, and the distances between countries. It is shown that the level of turnover on the domestic art markets can be treated as "mass". In the gravitational approach, works of art can, beyond being treated for their individual character, be treated all together as a certain category of goods subject to economic patterns similar to those that characterise other groups of goods. The gravity models of external trade constructed for this monograph suggest that the international trade of art has developed especially dynamically between countries with developed internal art markets. Finally, the results from the network analysis of the international trade of artwork in EU countries are presented. An analysis of the network of export-import relations between the member states was conducted based on the network indicators. This was followed by the identification of the subgroups in the network of international trade of artwork. That included verifying the existence of the network structure called core/periphery type and analysing cliques. The monograph also contains the results of the ego network analysis of international trade of art in selected EU countries, which included identifying structural holes in the networks. (original abstract)
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