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2015 | nr 4 Determinanty europejskich procesów integracyjnych na tle porównawczym | 175--184
Tytuł artykułu

National Structure of Donbas in the Focus of the Hybrid War in Ukraine

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So what were the reasons of the war? We think that it was a complex of intertwined economic, political, mental, national and even domestic reasons. Each of them should be studied separately by political scientists, demographers, sociologists, and representatives of many other sciences. In the range of this discourse it is interesting to analyze the situation from the point of view of the aggressor's choosing the areas to implement the plans. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to identify the factors, which predisposed to both aggression and quasi-public experiments in the national structure of Donbas. For its implementation I will analyze the dynamics of the quantitative growth of ethnic Russians for a quite long chronological period, as well as examine the level of use of the Russian language by the local population. From our point of view, the national composition of the population and predominant use of the Russian language were those factors that determined the further destiny of this region. First of all, they gave the pretext for the Russian Federation to transform Donbas into a firing ground of Ukraine's destruction.(fragment of text)
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