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Widoczny [Schowaj] Abstrakt
Liczba wyników
2017 | nr 32 | 118--143
Tytuł artykułu

Koniunktura w handlu

Warianty tytułu
Języki publikacji
Koniunktura w handlu w II kwartale 2017 r. uległa pogorszeniu. Wartość wskaźnika koniunktury IRG SGH (IRGTRD) zmniejszyła się o 3,8 punktu i obecnie wynosi 3,3 pkt. Jest niższa od poziomu odnotowanego przed rokiem (5,9 pkt w II kwartale 2016 r.), lecz nieco wyższa od średniej dla II kwartału z ostatnich dziesięciu lat (wynosi ona +3,0 pkt.).(fragment tekstu)
In the 2nd quarter of 2017 business situation in the trade sector deteriorated in comparison with the previous quarter. The IRG SGH trade confidence indicator (IRGTRD) quarterly decreased by 3.8 pts to +3.3 pts. It is 2.6 pts down from the respective 2016 figure, but slightly higher than the second-quarters' average over the last ten years, which amounts to +3.0 pts. Although the indicator declined, the majority of the main balances grew. The balance of changes in overall standing of trading enterprises increased, compared to the previous quarter, by 38.5 pts, and amounted to +9.4 pts, the figure higher by 10.1 pts than recorded one year earlier. The assessment of overall situation of trading enterprises changed in line with their financial standing - the balance of the latter amounted to +4.5 pts, 30.5 pts up from the respective last year figure. The balance of purchases from domestic suppliers increased by 20.7 pts, and the balance of purchases from foreign suppliers increased by 12.5 pts. On the whole, trading enterprises assessed their overall standing in the 2nd quarter of 2017 as good (the balance is +8.7 pts), and they expect it to improve over the next 6 months.(original abstract)
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