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2017 | t. 18, z. 1, cz. 1 Practical and Theoretical Issues in Contemporary Financial Management | 213--223
Tytuł artykułu

Analysis of Conceptualization and Taxonomy of Division of National Intellectual Capital (NIC)

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The concept of intellectual capital in the macroeconomic perspective is in the stage of early development. During recent years, a number of definitions and proposals of national intellectual capital division have been offered. However, there is no commonly accepted conceptual approach through which the results of measurements various objects of research could be comparable. This is determined mainly by the complexity of national intellectual capital, its heterogeneous character, different levels of specificity and aggregation approaches, not unanimous structure of theoretical models. As a result we have a diversity of authors' approaches to conceptualization and taxonomy of national intellectual capital. Taking it into consideration, it is reasonable to organize current stage of knowledge in this field. The aim of the article is analysis of selected national intellectual capital models in respect of their conceptualization and used division taxonomy. The results of this research paper are an attempt to organize the available economic knowledge of NIC and create the foundation for in-depth studies. Analysis has given a factual basis for the presentation author's own approach to the understanding of national intellectual capital (NIC) and taxonomy of it. (original abstract)
  • Społeczna Akademia Nauk
  • Społeczna Akademia Nauk
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