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2018 | Vol. 16, z. 3 Central Europe's economy: trends, issues, policies | 69--92
Tytuł artykułu

Towards Cross-Border Integration of Border Regions in the European Union: the Conception of Cross-Border Region

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Integration processes in the European Union (EU) do not only concern the member states, but also their regions, including areas bordering other EU countries. The aim of the paper is to present the conception of crossborder region (CBR), which refers to the processes of cross-border integration (CBI) of EU border regions. CBR is considered from three points of view. Firstly, its institutional dimension is presented, emphasising the special importance of cross-border multi-level governance through its organisational structure in the form of cross-border management institution (CBMI). Secondly, the relational dimension of CBR, which includes relations, ties and cross-border networks, is analysed. Thirdly, the economic dimension of CBR is introduced, showing possible strategies for its development of exo- and endogenous character. Special attention is paid to various types of pro-innovation policies in CBRs. At the end, the meaning of the CBR conception is presented and the main conditions for creating CBRs in the EU borderlands are indicated, the most important being the future of the European integration project.(original abstract)
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