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2018 | 9 | nr 4 | 20--34
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Wireless Technologies for Lean Manufacturing -a Literature Review

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The paper discusses possible applications of wireless technologies in support of lean manufac-turing tools. The typology of lean tools is provided. It distinguishes three main categories,which are identification and analysis of waste, improvementimplementation, and processmonitoring. The set of lean tools was analyzed in terms of information requirements. Onthe other hand, the typology of wireless technologies was discussed including RFID andWi-Fi. The literature review of wireless technology applications for support of lean toolswas conducted. The literature was systematically reviewedfrom the point of view of specifictechnologies and specific tools which were the subjects of the analyzed publications. Bothtypologies were synthesized to establish a framework for wireless technologies applicationsin the context of lean manufacturing implementation. It also could serve as a guideline forlean practitioners and implies future research directions. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
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