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2018 | t. 19, z. 10, cz. 1 Finansowe i organizacyjne aspekty kooperacji nauki i lokalnej przedsiębiorczości - wymiar teoretyczny i praktyczny. Część 1 | 269--285
Tytuł artykułu

Students Awareness of Gender Equalities in Family Life and Labour Market in Poland and Its Correlation with Cultivation of Non-Material Cultural Heritage

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The main objective of the study was to identify the awareness of Polish university students concerning gender equality in family life and labour market in Poland. It focused on determination of what symptoms and stereotypes of gender inequality are represented by students in Poland and whether they had ever felt discriminated against or suffered any signs of gender-related inequality at home or at university. The study included a literature review and an empirical, qualitative and quantitative research, based on a questionnaire distribution. It was conducted in 2016-2017 and included 308 Polish university students from various universities in Poland. The research was conducted to collect and analyse data concerning gender of students and their cultivation of nonmaterial cultural heritage. The study confirmed that university students in Poland were not fully aware of the existing symptoms of gender inequality in family life and labour marker. Female respondents have significantly higher awareness of these inequalities and stereotypes than male ones. The majority of the latter did not recognize the problem at all or underestimated it. More than 20% of respondents experienced symptoms of discrimination and gender inequality (female respondents significantly more frequently than male ones). No statistically significant correlation has been identified between gender equality awareness and the degree of cultivation of non-material cultural heritage.(original abstract)
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