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2019 | nr 50(1) | 37--65
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Analysis of Quotes from Articles Published in "Folia Turistica" in 1990-2016

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Purpose. The aim of this article is to acquire as much knowledge as possible on the changing impact factor of publications in "Folia Turistica" ("FT") in 1990-2016, the subjects of these works, the most frequently cited articles, and their authors. The aim is also to explore the works citing the articles in the periodical (including the time and countries in which they were written, their subjects, authors, and the sources of the publications).
Method. The analysis was conducted from 4 February to 8 March 2019, using Google Scholar and the Scopus and Web of Science (Core Collection) databases. The data acquired was processed using statistical methods.
Findings. The analyses found the numbers of citations of articles published in FT and the sum total of citations of published works in 1990-2016 in sources indexed in Google Scholar, Scopus, and Web of Science. This allowed us to establish the changing percentage of citations over the years and the average impact of articles published in various issues of the journal. Based on the data from the analyzed sources, an h-index was established for the journal, with the most frequently cited articles and their fields, as well as the most frequently cited authors of works of articles published in the relevant period. Data collected at Web of Science and Scopus allowed us to establish the number of references to articles published in "FT", appearing in various years, titles, authors, sources, and fields, and the most often quoted publications published in "FT" and the countries with which these publications were affiliated.
Research and conclusions limitations. The analysis concerns citations in Google Scholar and the Scopus and Web of Science (Core Collection) databases, accessed 8 March 2019 and limited to articles published in "Folia Turistica" in period 1990-2016.
Practical implications. This analysis could be a source of information for defining the later publishing policies of "Folia Turistica" and a basis for future comparative analyses.
Originality. This is the first analysis of citations of articles published in "Folia Turistica".
Type of work. This article presents the results of empirical studies. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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