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2008 | nr 1(4) | 89--96
Tytuł artykułu

Zasada akcesoryjności actio directa w świetle nowelizacji przepisów kodeksu cywilnego o umowie ubezpieczenia

Warianty tytułu
Actio Directa Principle with Respect to the Novelization of the Civil Code Provisions on the Insurance Contract
Języki publikacji
Skąpy charakter regulacji umożliwiających poszkodowanemu w związku ze zdarzeniem objętym umową ubezpieczenia OC dochodzenie roszczeń bezpośrednio od ubezpieczyciela nie pozwala na wyjaśnienie wielu kwestii związanych z charakterem prawnym instytucji określanej powszechnie w literaturze mianem actio directa. Jednym z bardziej kontrowersyjnych zagadnień pozostaje zasada akcesoryjności actio directa. Problem ten wymaga przy tym z jednej strony analizy akcesoryjnego charakteru prawa własnego, z drugiej strony akcesoryjnego charakteru odpowiedzialności ubezpieczyciela. O ile bowiem akcesoryjny charakter prawa własnego oznacza powiązanie bezpośredniego roszczenia ze zobowiązaniem ubezpieczyciela względem ubezpieczonego, o tyle akcesoryjny charakter odpowiedzialności ubezpieczyciela oznacza uzależnienie bezpośredniego roszczenia od roszczenia poszkodowanego względem ubezpieczonego. (fragment tekstu)
The subject of this article is the scope of the principle of accessoriness of the injured person's direct claim against the insurer in civil liability insurances (actio directa). The author analyses the scope of the interrelation of the direct claim with, on the one hand, the legal relationship between the insurer and the insured (the rule of accessory character of own law) and, on the other hand, the relationship between the injured person and the insurer (the rule of accessory character of the insurer's liability). With reference to the problem of accessory character of own law, the author discusses the scope of objections raising from the insurance contract and acceptable against the injured person - in particular in the context of Article 822 § 5 of the civil code added as a result of the last amendment of the provisions on the insurance contract in the Civil code. According to the author, the introduction of that provision means the overcoming of the accessory character of own law through a diversification of legal situation of the injured person and the insured. With reference to the problem of accessory character of the insurer's liability, the subject of the research is the so-called temporary scope of the principle of accessoriness and, in particular, the issue whether the direct claim of the injured person must suffer the same fate as the injured person's claims against the perpetrator. In the author's opinion, the current legal status lacks the legal basis for the connection of each and every scope of both claims. The rules governing the incorrect joint and several liability obligations, in particular an independent nature of the obligation of each of the co-debtors, also advocate the temporary restricted scope of the principle of accessoriness. As a consequence, the author proposes a thesis about the restricted scope of the principle of accessoriness actio directa. The interrelation between the direct claim and the relationship between the insured and the insurer as well as the relationship between the injured person and the insured will be reflected only when actio directa occurs. >From that moment on, the direct claim will be independent in relation to both the claim of the insured against his/her insurer as well as the claim of the injured person against the insured.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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