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2018 | z. 82, nr 2 | 129--139
Tytuł artykułu

Biofilms - A Danger for Food Industry

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Bacterial biofilm is a complex structure of microorganisms with variable qualitative composition depending on the raw materials used, parameters of the production process and localization in hardly accessible places for antimicrobial agents. At the same time, the life of bacteria in the biofilm structure increases the resistance of pathogens and the probability of their survival in adverse conditions. However, the effectiveness of biofilm removal is still not satisfactory, despite the constant improvement of the cleaning and disinfection procedures of industrial surfaces. The methods of biofilm eradication used so far can be divided into three groups (physical, biological, chemical). Numerous in vitro studies indicate that alternatives to commonly used disinfectants may be natural substances such as essential oils that have bactericidal and bacteriostatic activity. The present review will focus on describing biofilm formation and performance. In addition, the paper describes an overview of the methods used to prevent and eradicate biofilms. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Lodz University of Technology, Poland
  • Lodz University of Technology, Poland
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