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2020 | 11 | nr 2 | 88--98
Tytuł artykułu

A Hybrid Algorithm Based on Non-Dominatedsorting Ant Colony and Genetic Algorithmsfor Solving Multi-Objective Multi-Mode Projectscheduling Problems Under Resource Constraints

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Języki publikacji
A project scheduling problem investigates a set of activities that have to be scheduleddue to precedence priority and resource constraints in order to optimize project-relatedobjective functions. This paper focuses on the multi-mode project scheduling problem concerning resource constraints (MRCPSP). Resource allocation and leveling, renewable andnon-renewable resources, and time-cost trade-off are some essential characteristics which areconsidered in the proposed multi-objective scheduling problem. In this paper, a novel hybridalgorithm is proposed based on non-dominated sorting ant colony optimization and geneticalgorithm (NSACO-GA). It uses the genetic algorithm as a local search strategy in order toimprove the efficiency of the ant colony algorithm. The test problems are generated based onthe project scheduling problem library (PSPLIB) to compare the efficiency of the proposedalgorithm with the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II). The numerical result verifies the efficiency of the proposed hybrid algorithm in comparison to the NSGA-IIalgorithm.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
  • Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
  • Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
  • Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran
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