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2022 | z. 157 Contemporary Management | 363--385
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Perception of Sustainable Sport Sponsorship in Terms of Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility in the Era of the Covid-19 Pandemic

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Purpose: The purpose of the research presented in this paper was to identify the factors that determine the perception of sport sponsorship in terms of sustainability development and CSR activities in the era of Covid-19. Design/methodology/approach: The goal was achieved by literature review and presentation of the results of relevant pilot research. The research sample (random) consisted of questionnaires returned by 203 respondents via the Internet. In the empirical analysis workshops, binomial models in the form of logit models were used, due to which the estimation of 8 logit models (4 full and 4 reduced) was carried out, while considering their determinants in 5 categories. Findings: The results show that despite the Covid-19 pandemic, participants in sports events pay attention to the sponsor's activities in terms of sustainable development and CSR. This is evidenced by various perceptions of his activity. These results confirm that combining sponsorship with sustainable development and CSR help to create a positive image of the company, especially in the times of crisis. Research limitations/implications: In the period of many restrictions related to the Covid-19 pandemic, sports sponsors have limited opportunities to display their brand, thus creating their image. Additionally, the lack of sports gatherings limited the interactions occurring on the plane of the sports event - sponsor-beneficiaries of the event. Covid-19, in a way, forced brands to act in a sustainable manner and CSR. The commercialization of sport introduced sustainable development and CSR as means to achieve organizational goals and the Covid-19 pandemic has become a period of adjusting activities in the area of sustainable development and CSR to new conditions and social expectations. The obtained test results confirm this. Social implications: The coronavirus pandemic and government-imposed social distancing measures have had a strong impact on the sports sponsorship rights market, thereby impacting sustainability and CSR activities. Therefore, the article answered the question whether the Covid-19 era is a place to combine sports sponsorship with sustainable development and CSR? Originality/value: The discussed issue is in line with the current concept of sustainable development and CSR. Sustainable sports sponsorship allows you to build a positive image of the company and maintain a long-term competitive advantage, even in such difficult times related to the Covid-19 pandemic. The article is intended for both managers and researchers dealing with the subject of sustainable development and CSR.(original abstract)
  • Politechnika Częstochowska
  • Politechnika Częstochowska
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