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2022 | z. 163 | 85--99
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Unraveling Organizational Dynamics Under Uncertainty

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Purpose: In recent years, uncertainty has become an indispensable, if not dominant, component of business activities. The aim of the research is to conceptualize the organization's responses to conditions of high uncertainty. Design/methodology/approach: The approach adopted involves literature review, including an interdisciplinary ground of complexity theory. Findings: The content of the article presents the sources of the dynamics of the organization. The considerations are based on interaction between organizational schemata and routines. Capturing the interactions among schemata and routines made it possible to systematize the possible responses (strategies) of the organization due to the uncertainty. Research limitations/implications: The results of the study are presented in the form of theoretical framework pending further testing. Originality/value: The obtained research results give an insight into the ways in which decision-makers enact strategic intents and thus give a better understanding of how the organizational development trajectories are shaped. The formulated conclusions may be particularly valuable in relation to the organization's behavior in conditions of high uncertainty, both in terms of management theory and guidelines for practical operation.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
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