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2022 | z. 165 | 259--274
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Humanistic and Social Dimensions of Cobotization in the Context of Implementation Industry 5.0

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Purpose: The aim of the article is to describe the humanistic and social dimension of the cobotization process in the context of the implementation of Industry 5.0. Design/methodology/approach: Over the past few years, researchers have focused on analyzing the phenomena associated with Industry 4.0, which has made it possible, among other things, to assess the negative consequences of the proposed approach, and as a result, the necessity to take corrective action has been recognized. This new way of understanding production processes has been called as Industry 5.0. The key threads of this approach include the use of advanced digital technologies in the production process but with a simultaneous focus on human. This is connected with massive use of human-machine cooperation, so called cobotization. The success of this plan requires an in-depth analysis of the human perspective, as the implementation of these solutions depends on it. In the present discussion, it is proposed to take into account the humanistic and social dimensions conditioning the possibility of effective use of cobots in the context of achieving the objectives of Industry 5.0. Conceptual analysis has been used, as it seems to be the most appropriate at this stage of research. Findings: As a result of the conducted analyzes, key dimensions have been identified from a human perspective, which may contribute to the successful implementation of Industry 5.0. Within the humanistic dimension, attention has been paid to the importance of the very way in which man treats technology/machines (philosophical dimension) with particular emphasis on instrumentalism, substantivism and post-phenomenalism. The forms of human-machine interaction generating different types of interaction (psychological and sociological dimensions) were also pointed out and the relationships that are crucial for human-machine cooperation, conditioning the productive effectiveness of this collaboration, were finally examined. Social implications: The article has a conceptual function; according to the applied research method it allows developing the concept of Industry 5.0, paying attention to what aspects will have to be considered in its implementation, taking into account the human-centered perspective. Originality/value: This article is addressed to all stakeholders involved in the implementation of the concept of Industry 5.0. Key in these considerations was to draw attention to the "human" dimensions of cobotization processes, affecting the effective use of human-machine collaboration in manufacturing processes. The author's contribution to the issues at hand should be considered an attempt to use existing research in philosophy of technology, psychology and sociology to develop a holistic view of the dimensions that can influence the building of different types of relationships with robots, including artificial intelligence, from coexistence and collaboration to cooperation. Overlooking dimensions related to the human perspective in these relationships may result in ineffectiveness of the technical innovations themselves.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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