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2023 | 14 | nr 3 | 57--74
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Unveiling the Factors of Green Human Resources in Manufacturing Industries

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The severe consequences of climate change have left many unanswered questions about the environmental performance of businesses. Appropriate measures must be taken to tackle the problems conquered due to climate change. This study supports exploring the factors needed to get the Employees Environmental Performance (EEP). It includes Green Human Resources (GHR), Green Creativity (GC) and Proactive Environmental Management (PEM). The relationship among the variables was explored in the existing literature. This study aims to test the relationship between GHR and GC. Further, it also examined the mediating role of GC and moderating role of PEM. For this purpose, data were collected from employees of manufacturing companies (automobiles, food processing, chemicals, textiles, machinery and equipment) in India. More specifically, ISO 14001-certified companies were selected. Among the different institutions, 35 are manufacturing in India. Out of 35, 24 companies agreed to conduct a survey in their company. Totally 5376 employees were considered as a population for the study. With 95% confidence interval, 400 samples were selected, and a questionnaire was distributed among them using simple random sampling. 305 (76.25%) cases finalized for further analysis. The collected data analyzed using PLS-SEM with R software. The results highlighted the essential role of GHR practices in the manufacturing industry to enhance EEP since GHR positively influences EEP. Moreover, it was found that GC partially mediates the relationship between GHR and EEP. It indicates the importance of GC's existence in increasing EEP through GHR. Finally, it was also found that PEM moderates the relationship between GHR and EEP. It suggested the role of pro-environmental management and their active pace in improving EEP. Managerial implications and future scope were discussed in this study.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Kalasalingam University, India
  • Kalasalingam University, India
  • WSB University
  • North-West University, South Africa
  • Częstochowa University of Technology
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