nr 689 Finanse. Polityka regionalna. Rynek i konsumpcja. Wybrane problemy ekonomiki przemysłu
Tytuł artykułu
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Consumer's Sensitiveness to Promotion of Selling
Języki publikacji
Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza wrażliwości konsumenta na różne techniki promocji sprzedaży. Autorka wyodrębniła zmienne wyjaśniające wrażliwość na promocję sprzedaży i przedstawiła je w powiązaniu z indywidualnymi cechami konsumentów.
Sensitiveness to promotion is a consumer's category. The paper presents different approaches to examination of variables explaining the sensitiveness to promotion i.e. microeconomic and psychological approaches. The influence of individual characteristic of a consumer on this sensitiveness has been analysed. The following variables have been considered: size of family, possessing children, professional activity of a woman, level of education, income, possessing a car, possessing a house, place of birth. Among psychological variables into consideration have been taken: the state of a decision, cognitive needs, perception of promotion. Two variables, which show statistically essential relations with sensitiveness to promotion, have been pointed out. They are: fidelity to a trademark (negative connection) and sensitiveness to a price (positive connection). In order to explain individual differences in the level of sensitiveness to promotion such elements have also been considered as costs borne by a consumer, and the risk of a possible change of a trademark. The model of sensitiveness to promotion is represented by a synthesis of consideration. The model defines its relations with the set of individual variables, category of products, and with the situation of purchase. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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