Warianty tytułu
Evolution of Auditing and Its Role in Market Economy
Języki publikacji
Autor przedstawił w skrócie historię auditingu i zaprezentował ewolucję celów i technik badania sprawozdań finansowych wraz ze współczesną standaryzacją auditingu systematycznie prowadzoną przez Unię Europejską, Komitet Międzynarodowych Standardów Rachunkowości i ONZ.
The paper deals with the very topical issue of financial reports auditing. It provides a short historical outline of auditing, evolution of objectives and research methods. In the course of analysis encompassing the almost 150 year long history of evolution of auditing of financial reports the author takes up such issues as: shift of the main objective of examination from exposing errors and fraud to confirm the truthfulness of financial reports, as well as the growth of importance of in-company auditing and evolution of verification procedures from full to random verification. The author also provides a short historical outline of checking financial reports in Poland and focuses on the significance of their verification for allocation of capital and other functions, including social functions. The author also points out the need of such verification resulting from purely economic premises since the basis of a rationally operating economic system depends very much on the credibility of financial information, which then becomes a stable basis for the redistribution of resources. In the conclusion the author takes up and analyzes commonly observed tendencies to standardize auditing around the world. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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