Warianty tytułu
Political Marketing as Interdisciplinary Study
Języki publikacji
W artykule omówiono formy komunikacji wewnętrznej w przedsiębiorstwie. Przedstawiono role, jakie powinne spełniać wydawnictwa wewnętrzne w kształtowaniu public relations w firmie.
There is no official definition of the term political marketing and there is no terse expression to explain its complexity. The notion is often used to describe activities designed to create a political image of a person. The idea of political marketing has been known in Poland for only the last few years. The author presents differences between political and media marketing, defining the last one as a spectacular component of political marketing often used by Polish politicians. Creating a lasting image of a politician or a party should have long-range effects. The election campaign, which is usually the reason for employing such a specialist, is a short term occasion and terminates quickly, while the nation's assessment of a politician is a lasting, daily process. The author pays attention to a multitude of areas influencing the success of a politician who conducts his campaign according to the rules of political marketing. The author mentions communication psychology, sociology, and its methods of measuring public opinion, as well as rhetoric. Studying the necessary qualifications and working tools of, e.g., a spokesman. P.R. Officer, lobbyist, media planner, is of vital importance. (short original abstract)
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