Warianty tytułu
Comparing with the Best : Benchmarking in the System of Company's Competitive Edge Analysis
Języki publikacji
Metody doskonalenia organizacji, jej podsystemów i poszczególnych obszarów operacjonalnych pomagają jej członkom podejmować racjonalne decyzje. Autor prezentuje benchmarking - popularną metodę poszukiwania najlepszych (wzorcowych) sposobów postępowania i może dotyczyć w zasadzie wszelkich aspektów funkcjonowania przedsiębiorstwa. Zadaniem systemu jest zapoczątkowanie procesu uczenia poprzez rozstrzyganie o potrzebie samorozwoju.
Methods of perfecting an organization, its sub-systems and individual operational areas help the members of an organization to make rational decisions. In principle two basic approaches may be differentiated: one based on a detailed analysis of the present state and making attempts leading to its improvement and the other based on the elaboration of model systems and executing a revolutionary change or a construction of a new system based on the best solutions. A popular method of searching for new organizational and operational solutions based on model solutions is benchmarking which also constitutes a yardstick in the comparison of companies with their rivals. The notion means that the achievements of a given enterprise with respect to a given success factor are analyzed and efforts are made to find a frame of reference which will enable their further improvement. Benchmark is a synonym of a position and is used as an orientation point, model norm with a thing or a phenomenon is compared. This method consists in a search for (model) behaviour patterns. It enables an analysis of the solutions adopted by organizations which implemented their strategies and performed their functions successfully. The method's task is to initiate a learning process by determining the need for self-improvement. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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Typ dokumentu
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