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2001 | nr 561 | 25--41
Tytuł artykułu

Strategiczne pojmowanie motywacji płacowej w procesie zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem

Warianty tytułu
Long-term Wage Motivation in the Management of Firms
Języki publikacji
W artykule przedstawiono w nowym ujęciu tzw. strategicznym różne warianty i relacje między systemem wynagradzania a strategią firmy. Następnie skonkretyzowano metodykę budowy strategii wynagradzania wymieniając etapy jej tworzenia oraz metody i techniki pomocne przy jej formułowaniu. W zakończeniu podano wyniki analizy strategicznej systemu wynagradzania pracowników w badanym przedsiębiorstwie.
In the traditional understanding of systems of pay, the main emphasis is laid on improving such elements as the pay structure, the principles and regulations for according the various components of pay, and, above all, on streamlining the tools for determining pay. Numerous teams, both on a practical and theoretical basis, have designed successive work valuation methods (e.g. UMEWAP), have specified work norms and piece-work pay, and have revised the principles for granting bonuses to, rewarding, and promoting employees etc. Although streamlining the technical and utilitarian aspects of pay systems made them more efficient, these measures did not always lead to increased effectiveness. Pay systems constructed in this way rarely took full account of the strategic goals of the firm, and envisaged a minor, passive role for employees. This approach is changing in the light of growing competition on foreign and domestic markets and the increasing pressure on employers exerted by trade union organisations aiming to raise their members' salaries. In the new, "strategic" approach, various relationships between the firm's strategy and its system of pay are considered. The more important arrangements in this area are presented in the first part of the article; in the second, the author specifies a methodology for building a pay strategy and sets out the stages, methods and auxiliary techniques used in formulating this strategy. The final part of the article presents the results of a long-term analysis of the pay system in a selected enterprise. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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