Warianty tytułu
Examples of Classifying the Innovativeness of Enterprises and Economies
Języki publikacji
Zebrano i przedstawiono główne miary innowacyjnosci przedsiębiorstw i gospodarek. Scharakteryzowano zachowania wewnątrzorganizacyjne w pomiarze innowacyjności.
Innovations that are created and introduced onto the market are the basis upon which competitive enterprises and economies function. Due to the specific nature of the innovations themselves and also issues relating to the measurement of economic phenomena, difficulties arise in the construction of measures by which innovativeness can be assessed. In this article, the authors present basic measures of the innovativeness of enterprises and economies, for there exist premises to make generalisations and draw conclusions in this regard. The authors present two examples of classifying innovative enterprises based on a model of intra-organisational behaviour as well as several indicators that enable conclusions to be drawn not only about the innovativeness of enterprises, but also of regions and economies. The use of a single measure of innovativeness to give an accurate picture of the situation seems impossible. To understand phenomena relating to innovativeness, it is necessary to use several of the presented measures together. This article is a preparation for empirical studies on the behaviour of innovative enterprises. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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