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2008 | 221 Wybrane problemy w gospodarce światowej | 297--314
Tytuł artykułu

Ekonomiczne skutki dumpingu

Warianty tytułu
Economic Effects of Dumping
Języki publikacji
Wyjaśniono pojęcie dumpingu oraz szczegółowo opisano skutki jego stosowania dla krajów importujących jak i dla krajów eksportujących.
Dumping is a part of a pricing strategy that is driven by market structures, business cycles or the characteristics of products that are manufactured. It is rarely an anti-competitive practice because most forms of dumping have a clear strategic dimmension and are generally common and beneficial, not only to consumers or an exporting company but also to any economy where domestic price systems are distorted. However, in practice it is underselling that importing-competing firms consider unfair, which reflects their inability or unwillingness to meet the price set by a foreign competitor. Does dumping have any adverse effects? What are the main economic outcomes of this kind of competition? Can dumping be beneficial to the economy of any importing country? The aim of this article is an attempt to answer these questions and present a brief summary of the economic effects of dumping regarding an importing and exporting country economy. (original abstract)
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