nr 61 Wybrane problemy regionalnej polityki zrównoważonego rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego
Tytuł artykułu
Warianty tytułu
Demographic Factors in Socio-Economic Development. An Introduction to the Problem of an Increasing Scale of Demand for Social Services
Języki publikacji
Zaspokajanie potrzeb społecznych w nowej rzeczywistości ustrojowej utraciło wyłącznie charakter świadczeń socjalnych. W zakresie wielu potrzeb społecznych istnieją instytucje polityki społecznej i podmioty niepubliczne. które alternatywnie. a czasami konkurencyjnie realizują te potrzeby. (fragment teksu)
A far-reaching aim ofthe state's social and economic policy is to create a policy or balanced socio-economic development. Should it be a macroeconomic problem, the factors enabling realization of such a plan need to be identified. One of the main conditions that determine the economic and social policy would be demographic factors, more precisely - the demographic situation and structure, as well as the demographic processes that affect it. The fundamental demographic changes which took place during the transformation period have shaped the population's new demographic structure. This structure resulted in same social needs, which in the environment of market economy can be satisfied by the social services market. Therefore, this study discusses the scale of social needs resulting from the demographic situation and structure, as well as the formation of the social services market in response to the social consumption needs. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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