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1992 | nr 107 Międzynarodowa stabilizacja cen surowców a dochody eksportowe krajów rozwijających się | 221
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Międzynarodowa stabilizacja cen surowców a dochody eksportowe krajów rozwijających się

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Celem niniejszej pracy jest zbadanie racjonalności dążenia tej grupy krajów do stabilizowania cen surowców w skali międzynarodowej poprzez stosowanie mechanizmu magazynów wyrównawczych i wspólne finansowanie ich zapasów buforowych. Wnioski wynikające z prowadzonej w pracy analizy winny stanowić odpowiedź na pytanie: jak dalece, przy przyjętych założeniach i warunkach, racjonalną z punktu widzenia krajów mniej zaawansowanych ekonomicznie jest polityka międzynarodowej stabilizacji cen surowców. Kryteria racjonalności odnoszą się przy tym w sposób bezpośredni do uzyskiwanych przez te kraje dochodów eksportowych. W sensie pośrednim przyjęte kryteria mają znacznie szerszy wymiar. Ponieważ handel zagraniczny stanowi dla krajów słabo rozwiniętych jeden z najważniejszych (a niekiedy jedyny) czynników rozwoju gospodarczego, stąd konsekwencje międzynarodowej stabilizacji cen poprzez sferę dochodów eksportowych rzutują również na możliwości realizacji ich celów makroekonomicznych. (fragment tekstu)
Developing Countries have long been demanding international undertakings in order to stabilise their raw material export prices. They presented their demands in the "Integrated Raw Material Programme" (UNCTAD Conference, Nairobi 1976) pointing out at the same time the necessity of imposing a system of international raw material buffer stocks as a means of stabilising the prices of these products. The author's initial hypothesis was that the international stabilisation of raw material prices need not automatically induce positive results in terms of Developing Country export earnings. The author aimed to study the rationality behind this group of countries tendency to eliminate the fluctuation of export prices by means of buffer stocks and their joint financing. The methodological approach of the paper together with its contents are subject to the above aims. The paper is based on construction models which apply the mathematical formalisation of macroeconomic interrelationships and which apply econometric, geometric and algebraic methodology. In the empirical part of this paper qualitative and quantitative analytical methods arc applied with the extensive use of statistical methods. In the first section the dynamic comparative analysis of price fluctuations and the volume and export earnings in Developing Countries and in the more developed countries are presented. The second section is devoted to an examination of the effectiveness of national and international stabilisation measures. In the third section a hypothesis of the negative effect of the destabilisation of export earnings on the economic growth of Developing Countries is formulated and later verified. The geometro-algebraic construction model regarding the influence of international stabilisation of raw material prices on the export earnings of Developing Countries is presented in the fourth section. This is followed by a theoretical verification of the stability and the exact level of export earnings. In the fifth section an empirical evaluation of the effects of introducing stabilised raw material prices in the stabilisation model is presented together with the level of earnings of countries exporting specific raw materials. The conclusions resulting from the analysis confirm the lack of immediate positive connections between the international stabilisation of raw material prices and the simultaneous stability and growth of Developing Country export earnings. The main factors determining the above interdependence are the following: the related movements of the supply and demand curves, domination of fluctuations of one of the curves and the price elasticity of supply and demand on the raw material markets. The obtained results question the rationality behind the aims od Developing Countries with regard to the international stabilisation of raw material prices. They suggest that the stabilisation measures should be directed toward export earnings and underline the significance of measures sympathetic to the national character. (original abstract)
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