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Liczba wyników
2013 | nr 11 (17) | 151--170
Tytuł artykułu

Nierówności i faszyzm, czyli życie i dzieło Corrado Giniego

Warianty tytułu
Języki publikacji
(abstrakt oryginalny)
(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu
  • Atkinson A.B., On the measurement of inequality, "Journal of Economic Theory" 1970, 2, s. 244-263.
  • Boldrini M., Corrado Gini. Obituary, "Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A" 1966, 129, s. 148-150.
  • Forcina A., Gini's contributions to the theory of inference, "International Statistical Review" 1982, 50, s. 65-70.
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  • Giorgi G.M., A fresh look at the topical interest of the Gini concentration ratio, "Metron" 1993, LI, s. 83-98.
  • Giorgi G.M., Bibliographic portrait of the Gini concentration ratio, "Metron" 1990, XLVIII, s. 183-221.
  • Giorgi G.M., Corrado Gini: the man and the scientist, "Metron" 2011, LXIX, s. 1-28.
  • Giorgi G.M., Encounters with the Italian Statistical School: a conversation with Carlo Benedetti, "Metron" 1996, LIV, s. 3-23.
  • Jasso G., On Gini's mean difference and Gini's index of concentration, "American Socilogical Review" 1979, 44, s. 867-870.
  • Lehmann E.L., The Fisher, Neyman-Pearson theories of testing hypotheses: One theory or two?, "Journal of the American Statistical Association" 1993, 88, s. 1242-1249.
  • Parisi D., Corrado Gini (1884 -1965): The leading figure of the Italian group in the econometric society, "History of Political Economy" 2011, 43, s. 211-232.
  • Prevost J.G., A Total Science. Statistics in Liberal and Fascist Italy, McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal 2009.
  • Schneider M., Measuring Inequality: The Origins of the Lorenz Curve and the Gini Coefficient,, 2004,
  • Treves A., Le nascite e la politica nell'Italia del novecento, Edizioni Universitarie di Lettere, Economia e Diritto, Milano 2001.
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