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2017 | nr 254 | 377
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Koncepcja systemu zarządzania efektywnością pracy personelu medycznego w szpitalach

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The Concept of Medical Personnel Performance Management in Hospitals
Języki publikacji
Monografia składa się z 5 rozdziałów. Ma character teoretyczno-empiryczny. Celem badań teoretycznych było ustalenie stanu wiedzy na podstawie literatury przedmiotu, usystematyzowanie wiedzy na temat koncepcji zarządzania efektywnością pracowników w specyficznych warunkach, jakie występują w szpitalach, i w odniesieniu do cech strategicznych profesji medycznych, jakimi są lekarze i pielęgniarki. Natomiast celem badań empirycznych w niniejszej monografii stało się zdiagnozowanie konfiguracji elementów systemu ZEP i ich cech specyficznych w odniesieniu do lekarzy i pielęgniarek. (fragment tekstu)
The healthcare sector is a particularly unique part of an economy. It serves the most valued element of human capital - health. The human capital of medical staff determines the actual and potential quality of these services. The healthcare sector is a knowledge- -intensive one, as the highly dynamic nature of technological and theoretical development attests. Consequently, results within the sector are determined by the continual development of the professional competences of medical staff, especially physicians and nurses, two strategically important groups of medical personnel within hospitals. That the demand for healthcare services is determined by the idiopathic nature of socio- -demographic-cultural trends further contributes to the sector's uniqueness. Hospitals are at the forefront of the healthcare system: They provide healthcare services, train medical personnel and conduct scientific research. The main objective of this dissertation was developed with consideration of the context of hospital performance and the associated challenges hospitals face in functioning within a world of conflicting medical and managerial paradoxes and dichotomies. It elaborates on the performance management (PM) of physicians and nurses in hospitals. To this end, the dominant role of human resource management theory within its contextual paradigm was identified. Simultaneously, public management theory is regarded by the author as a point of reference because it postulates the convergence of business solutions into specific contexts of public organisations. The main objective of this dissertation is achieved through the accomplishment of epistemological and empirical aims. The epistemological aims determine the current theoretical understanding of the literature within the reality examined and systemise knowledge related to the concept of employee performance management within the specific conditions associated with hospitals and with reference to features of the strategic medical professions. The empirical aims were developed in order to assess the configuration of the components of the employees' performance management system and their specific features in relation to selected medical professions. As a result, a theoretical concept of physicians' and nurses' performance management in hospitals is developed. That concept differs from one that could be more generally applied insofar as it considers not only specific contextual features of hospitals but also the specifics of the work of medical professions and their archetypal characteristics. The dissertation contributes significantly to the development of human resource management theory. At the same time, although to a lesser extent, it enriches the theory of public management. The dissertation consists of five chapters. The first systemises knowledge connected with the concept of employee performance management (PM). Here, a comprehensive overview of the architecture of the employee PM system, referring to both functional and organisational dimensions, is elaborated and presented as a general model for analysing the current theoretical understanding of knowledge on PM within hospitals. The second chapter examines major trends and their trajectories within hospital environments. Issues such as political and legal circumstances, macro-economic indicators and labour market conditions are analysed. The third chapter mainly reviews the current approaches to PM within hospitals. A systematic literature review leads to the conclusion that the implementation of PM within hospitals on an organisational level is performed comprehensively and is adjusted to the context of public hospitals. At the same time, however, the review exposed the lack of a holistic approach to performance management on an individual level concerning the specific work and features of physicians and nurses. The fourth chapter includes methodological aspects of the empirical research. The first part presents an argument for the choice of approach taken during the research. The second part is devoted to analysing and synthesising the data acquired with the research questions and drawing conclusions. The fifth chapter presents the confrontation of theoretical and empirical knowledge. It discusses the first antecedents of the personnel performance management system within hospitals and then presents the concept of the system. The conclusion examines the knowledge obtained for the theoretical and empirical sections of the dissertation and discusses potential areas of future research. (original abstract)
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