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2018 | 23 (XXIII) | nr 25 (4) | 35--42
Tytuł artykułu

Formirovanie rossijskoj modeliètiki biznesa

Warianty tytułu
The Formation of the Russian Model of Entrepreneurship Ethics
Języki publikacji
The article examines the main approaches to modelling and the formation of the ethics of entrepreneurship in the context of historical transformations in Russia. The conceptual foundations of the formation and state support of crafts, merchants and entrepreneurship in this country under the influence of expanding international relations have been systematized and summarized. The author's position on the specifics of the separate development of this country and its isolation from the European civilization is presented. There are analysed the most important stages and factors of economic development in connection with the geographical location and the presence of rich natural resources. Special attention is paid to the psychology of Russian entrepreneurs and the paradigm of their relations with foreign partners based on the analysis of the concepts of outstanding Russian philosophers and historians of 19-20 centuries. The ideology of the ethical consciousness of the Russian people was emphasized, especially in such categories as "unity", "holiness" and the rejection of European and American notions of ownership and honesty in business. The necessity of changing the model of business ethics in connection with such phenomena as globalization, professional mobility, motivation to develop the communication component of the international activities of Russian businessmen has been established and argued. The role of public administration, business structures and changes in mentality in the development of civilizational strategic competence of employees of companies, managers and business owners was emphasized. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • Politechnika Rzeszowska
  • Akademia Ustawiczna Dnipro, Ukraina
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