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2020 | 19 | nr 3 | 569--583
Tytuł artykułu

Cooperation, Partnership and Integration in the Cross-border Area: the Role of Borders and Cross-border Cooperation

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Języki publikacji
Motivation: cooperation and partnership as an important tool that promotes cross-border integrations and stimulates the development of less developed border regions. Aim: to determine the importance of partnership and cooperation in border areas. The theoretical part will define the role of borders and co-determination in the context of cross-border cooperation and integration. The empirical part- concentrates on examples of cross-border cooperation, distinguishing two main situations: borders between member states of the EU and borders between the EU and neighbouring countries. Results: establishing transnational relations, and as a result partnership and cross-border integration, enables the flow and exchange of experience, knowledge and cooperation, thus affecting the economic development of cooperating regions. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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