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2023 | z. 180 Współczesne zarządzanie = Contemporary Management | 669--682
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Conditions of the Quality of Relationships with Regard to Participants of the Quadruple Helise

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Purpose: The purpose of the article is to compare the attitudes of representatives of innovative enterprises toward the strength and importance of relationships in relation to different groups of participants in the quadruple helix (groups of enterprises, local government organizations, scientific organizations and business environment institutions). Design/methodology/approach: The presented analyses are concerned with the determinants of the quality of relationships of innovative enterprises in the quadruple helix. The research was conducted on a sample of 200 innovative enterprises using the CATI method. Four relationship constructs were studied - trust, commitment, satisfaction and communication. Findings: The results indicate that the most significant, both within strength and importance, are relationships with other enterprises, followed in turn by those with institutions of the business environment, local government and the scientific sphere. With respect to all participants in the quadruple relationship, the validity of the constructs is as follows: trust, satisfaction, commitment, communication (with commitment and communication being equally important in the case of business environment institutions). Analysis of the discrepancies in the responses indicated that the most statistically significant differences exist for the relationship with local government units. Research limitations/implications: The main limitation is the research sample and the limitations of the relationships established, especially with regard to scientific/research institutions and business environment institutions. Practical implications: The article indicates which constructs of relationship quality should be paid attention to by representatives of the various helix in managing relationships with innovative enterprises, and identifies which characteristics generate differences in their perception. Originality/value: The article undertakes to analyse the quality of inter-organizational relations through the prism of its constructs. The article is addressed to both representatives of enterprises and other participants in the quadruple helix. (original abstract)
  • Bialystok University of Technology
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