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2023 | z. 185 W kierunku przyszłości zarządzania = Towards Future of Management | 9--22
Tytuł artykułu

Stress Management in the Work of Medical Personnel - Strategies to Counteract Its Effects

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Purpose: The aim of this study was to subjectively assess the effectiveness of coping with stress by healthcare professionals through the skillful selection and use of available stress management strategies as a factor determining the maintenance of work-life balance. Design/methodology/approach: The study covered 129 medical workers. As a research method, a diagnostic survey was used with the use of an original questionnaire, which consisted of 25 questions divided into two parts. The collected material was subjected to quantitative and descriptive analysis, and appropriately selected statistical tests were used to verify the hypotheses. Findings: The results of the research indicate that health care establishments lack tools supporting the reduction of stress at work. In most cases, employees are forced to fend for themselves. Nevertheless, they are satisfied with their work stress management skills and consider their strategies to be effective. However, they say they would like to deepen their knowledge in this area, which is a positive attitude. However, the frequency of perceived stress situations at work by these employees is worrying. Research limitations/implications: Therefore, it is important for health care establishment managers to take specific actions to prevent this phenomenon. In this context, further studies are needed, which are already in progress and their results will be presented in subsequent publications. Originality/value: Stress is a common phenomenon in societies that experience a high pace of life and work-related pressures. This publication addresses the subject of occupational stress in a group of medical workers exposed to a high risk of professional burnout and high levels of stress, not only during epidemics or pandemics, but also due to difficult situations and requirements related to patient care. In this approach, on the one hand, the theoretical aspects of occupational stress are presented, and on the other hand, the results of surveys on stress management in the workplace of medical personnel and the effectiveness of using strategies to counteract its effects. (original abstract)
  • Czestochowa University of Technology
  • Czestochowa University of Technology
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