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2012 | 2 | nr 1 | 1--15
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Selectivity Criterion in State Aid Control

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The concept of supranational control over Member States' measures to support undertakings operating in their territories was inserted more than fifty years ago in the original Treaty of Rome. Since then it has gained importance and now serves as a indispensable tool in maintaining Internal Market cohesion. Effective State aid control is a task of both great importance and great difficulty. The notion of State aid is nowhere to be found in the Treaties, but in its case-law the Court has established a set of cumulative criteria based largely on the wording of Article 107(1) TFEU, the fulfilment of which would lead to the designation of a State's measure as aid. Among these, the selectivity criterion is arguably the most difficult to apply. This is for three main reasons which will be discussed in-depth in this paper. First - will a measure with limited territorial scope always be selective? Second - what differentiates 'general' from 'selective' measures, especially if the former may have incidental selective effect? Third - what does 'nature and scheme of the system' justification mean, and how is it applied? This paper provides an overview of practical application of the selectivity criterion in both European Commission decisions and the Court's jurisprudence in the context of safeguarding competition and preventing subsidy races between Member States. (original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
  • University of Wrocław, Poland
  • Jaques Derenne and Massimo Merola (eds), Economic Analysis of State Aid Rules -Contributions and Limits (Lexxion 2007).
  • Daniel Yergin, Joseph Stanislaw, The Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy (Simon & Schuster 2002) 16.
  • Neelie Kroes, Industrial Policy and Competition Law & Policy, Speech at the Fordham University School of Law, New York, 14.09.2006 (IP Press Relase SPEECH/06/499).
  • Kenneth A. Reinert, Ramkishen S. Rajan and Amy Jocelyn Glass (eds), The Princeton Encyclopaedia of the World Economy. Volume I: A - H (Princeton 2009)126.
  • Hans W. Friederiszick, Lars-Hendrik Röller and Vincent Verouden, EC State Aid Control: an Economic Perspective in Michael Sánchez Rydelski (ed), The EC State Aid Regime -Distortive Effects of State Aid on Competition and Trade (Cameron May 2007) 145.
  • Nicola Pesaresi and Marc Van Hoof, State Aid Control: An Introduction in Wolfgang Mederer, Nicola Pesaresi and Marc Van Hoof (eds) EU Competition Law. Volume IV. State Aid, Book One (Claeys & Casteels 2008) 4.
  • Martino Ebner and Edoardo Gambaro, The Notion of State Aid in Alberto Santa Maria (ed), Competition and State Aid. An Analysis of the EC Practice (Kluwer Law International 2008) 18.
  • The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union [2010] OJ L83/47.
  • Kelyn Bacon (ed), European Community Law of State Aid (OUP 2009), para 2.02.
  • Aleksander Cieśliński, Wspólnotowe prawo gospodarcze. Tom 2 (C. H. Beck 2007) 519.
  • Paweł Paradowski, Prawo pomocy publicznej dla przedsiębiorców in Zbigniew Brodecki (ed), Konkurencja (Lexis Nexis 2004) 326.
  • Igor Postuła, Aleksander Werner, Pomoc publiczna (Lexis Nexis 2006) 25.
  • Tadeusz Skoczny, Zakaz antykonkurencyjnej pomocy państwa in Jan Barcz (ed), Prawo Unii Europejskiej. Prawo materialne i polityki. Tom 2 (Prawo i Praktyka Gospodarcza 2005) II-421).
  • Cases C-256/97 Déménagements-Manutention Transport SA (DMT) [1999] ECR I-3913.
  • Case C-256/97 DMT, Opinion of AG Jacobs, para 31. Case C-39/94Syndicat français de l'Express international (SFEI) and others v La Poste and Others [1996] ECR I-3547.
  • C-39/94 SFEI Opinion of AG Jacobs, para 60.
  • Cases 173/73, Italy v Commission [1974] ECR 709, para 26.
  • C-387/92 Banco de Crédito Industrial SA, now Banco Exterior de España SA v Ayuntamiento de Valencia [1994] ECR I-877, paras 12 and 13.
  • C-280/00 Altmark Trans GmbH and Regierungspräsidium Magdeburg v Nahverkehrsgesellschaft Altmark GmbH, and Oberbundesanwalt beim Bundesverwaltungsgericht [2003] ECR I-7747.
  • T-157/01 Danske Busvognmænd v Commission of the European Communities (Combus) [2004] ECR II-917, para 57.
  • Cases T-214/95 Het Vlaamse Gewest (Flemish Region) v Commission of the European Communities [1998] ECR II-717; 323/82 SA Intermills v Commission of the European Communities [1984] ECR 3809.
  • Joined Cases 296 and 318/82 Netherlands and Leeuwarder Papierwarenfabriek BV v Commission of the European Communities [1985] ECR I-809.
  • C-142/87 Belgium v Commission of the European Communities (Tubemeuse)[1990] ECR I-959.
  • C-303/88 Italy v Commission of the European Communities [1991] ECRI-1433.
  • C-305/89 Italy v Commission of the European Communities [1991] ECR I-1603.
  • C-63/87 Commission of the European Communities v Greece [1988] ECR I-2875.
  • C-102/87 France v Commission of the European Communities (Fonds industriel de modernisation) [1988] ECR I-4067.
  • Joined Cases C-15/98 and C-105/99 Italy and Sardegna Lines - Servizi Marittimi della Sardegna SpA v Commission of the European Communities [2000] ECR I-8855.
  • Cases C-143/99 Adria-Wien Pipeline GmbH and Wietersdorfer & Peggauer Zementwerke GmbH v Finanzlandesdirektion für Kärnten [2001] ECR I-8365; T-55/99.
  • Confederación Española de Transporte de Mercancías (CETM) v Commission of the European Communities [2000] ECR II-3207.
  • C-200/97 Ecotrade Srl v Altiforni e Ferriere di Servola SpA (AFS) [1998] ECR I-7907, para 36.
  • C-290/87 Netherlands v Commission of the European Communities (Fisheries quotas) [1989] ECR I-3083, paras 22-23.
  • C-61/79Amministrazione delle finanze dello Stato v Denkavit italiana Srl [1980] ECR I-1205, para 31.
  • T-260/97 R Camar v Commission of the European Communities and Council [1997] ECRII-2357, para 62.
  • Joined Cases T-298/97, T-312/97, T-313/97, T-315/97, T-600/97 to T-607/97, T-1/98, T-3/98 to T-6/98.
  • T-23/98 Alzetta Mauro and Others v Commission of the European Communities [2000] ECR II-2319, para 81.
  • Case T-288/97 Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia v Commission of the European Communities [2001] ECR II-1169, para 41.
  • Kazimierz Strzyczkowski, Prawo gospodarcze publiczne (Lexis Nexis 2007) 371.
  • Marek Szydło, Pojęcie pomocy państwa w prawie wspólnotowym (2002) 4 "Studia Europejskie" 34.
  • European Commission, XXVIth Report on Competition Policy 1996 (Brussels/Luxembourg 1997) 31.
  • C-78/76 Steinike & Weinlig v Federal Republic of Germany [1977]ECR I-595).
  • Andrew Evans, Community Lawof State Aids (Clarendon Press 1997) 2.
  • Sławomir Dudzik, Bezpośrednia skuteczność przepisów prawa wspólnotowego dotyczących pomocy państwa dla przedsiębiorstw (2000)7 PiP 41.
  • C-83/98 P France v Ladbroke Racing Ltdand Commission of the European Communities [2000] ECR I-3271, para 25.
  • T-98/00 Linde AG v Commission of the European Communities [2002] ECR II-3961, para 40.
  • T-152/99 Hijos de Andrés Molina SA (HAMSA) v Commission of the European Communities [2002] ECR II-3049, para 159.
  • C-56/93 Belgium v Commission of the European Communities [1996] ECR I-723, para 79.
  • C-75/97 Belgium v Commission of the European Communities (Maribel bis/ter) [1999] ECR I-3671, para 25.
  • C-172/03 Wolfgang Heiser v Finanzamt Innsbruck [2005] ECR I-1627, para 46.
  • T-67/94 Ladbroke Racing Ltd v Commission of the EuropeanCommunities [1988] ECR II-01, para 52.
  • Lorenzo Coppi The Role of the State Aid Analysis and the Balancing Test in Erika Szyszczak (ed) Research Handbook on European State Aid Law (Edward Elgar 2011) 76.
  • Andreas Bartosch, Is there a need for a rule of reason in European State Aid law?: Or howto arrive at a coherent concept of material selectivity? (2010) 47 CMLR 729.
  • Phaedon Nicolaides, Mihalis Kekelekis and Philip Buyskes, State Aid Policy in the European Community: A Guide for Practicioners (Kluwer Law International 2005) 25.
  • Andrea Biondi, Piet Eeckhout, James Flynn (eds) The Law of State Aids in the European Union (OUP 2004) 3.
  • C-308/01 GIL Insurance Ltd andOthers v Commissioners of Customs and Excise [2004] ECR I-4777, Opinion of AG Geelhoed.
  • C-241/94 France v Commission of the European Communities (KimberlyClark Sopalin) [1996] ECR I-4551, Opinion of AG Jacobs.
  • Leigh Hancher, Tom Ottervanger and Piet-Jan Slot (eds), EC State Aids, 3rd Edition (Sweet & Maxwell 2006) 53.
  • Commission Notice on the application of the State Aidrules to measures relating to direct business taxation [1998] OJ C384/3.
  • T-210/01 British Aggregates Association v Commission of the European Communities [2006] ECR II-2789,para 105.
  • C-189/91 Petra Kirsammer-Hack v Nurhan Sidal [1993] ECR I-6185, Opinion of AG Darmon, para 58 - 61.
  • C-353/95 Tiercé Ladbroke SA v Commission of the European Communities [1997] ECR I-7007, Opinion of AG Cosmas, para 30.
  • C-88/03 Portugal v Commission of the European Communities (Azores) [2006] ECR I-7115, para 56.
  • C-409/00 Spain v Commission of the European Communities [2003] ECR I-1487, para 47.
  • T-233/04 Netherlands v Commission of the European Communities [2008] ECR II-591, para 88 - 96.
  • T-308/00 Salzgitter AG v Commission of the European Communities [2004] ECR II-1933,para 81.
  • C-408/04 P Commission of the European Communities v Salzgitter AG (Salzgitter II) [2008] ECR I-2767, para 109.
  • Kelyn Bacon (ed), European Community Law of State Aid (OUP 2009), para 2.1112.
  • Koen Van de Cateele and Mehdi Hocine, Favouring certain undertakings or theproduction of certain goods: Selectivity in Wolfgang Mederer, Nicola Pesaresi and MarcVan Hoof (eds) EU Competition Law. Volume IV. StateAid, Book One (Claeys & Casteels 2008) 252.
  • Erika Szyszczak, The Regulation of the State in Competitive Markets in the EU (Hart 2007) 223.
  • Jakub Kociubiński, Services of General Economic Interest - Towards a European Concept of Public Services (2011) 1 WRLAE 49.
  • Commission Decision of 10 May 2007 on State Aid C 2/06 (ex N 405/05) which Greeceis planning to implement for the early voluntary retirement scheme of OTE [2008] OJ L243/7.
  • Commission Decision of 10 October 2007 on the State Aid implemented by France inconnection with the reform of the arrangements for financing the retirement pensions of civil servants working for La Poste [2008] OJ L63/16.
  • 93/625/EEC: Commission Decision of 22 September 1993 concerning aid granted by the French Government to the Pari mutuel urbain (PMU) and to the racecourse undertakings [1993] OJ L300/21).
  • Joined Cases C-428/06 to C-434/06 Unión General de Trabajadores de La Rioja (UGT-Rioja) and Others v Juntas Generales delTerritorio Histórico de Vizcaya and Others [2008] ECR I-6747.
  • T-75/03 Banco Comercial dos Açores, SA v Commission of the European Communities [2009] ECR II-143.
  • Case C-110/03 Belgium v Commission of the European Communities [2005] ECR I- 2801, para 58.
  • Joined Cases T-269/99, T-271/99 and T-272/99 Territorio Histórico de Guipúzcoa - Diputación Foral de Guipúzcoa, Territorio Histórico de Álava - DiputaciónForal de Álava and Territorio Histórico de Vizcaya - Diputación Foral de Vizcaya vCommission of the European Communities [2002] ECR II-4217, para 55 - 56 .
  • T-211/04 and T-215/04 Government of Gibraltar and United Kingdom of Great Britain and NorthernIreland v Commission of the European Communities [2008] II-3745.
  • Mariusz Popławski Charakter ulg i zwolnień podatkowych będących pomocą publiczną (2005) 7 Monitor Podatkowy 33.
  • Potenziamento delle aree sottoutilizzate (Agevolazione per nuove assunzioni - DeduzioniIRAP) (Case N 198/2005) Commission Decision of 07 December 2005 - Notice [2005] OJC42/2.
  • C-156/98 Federal Republic of Germany v Commission of the European Communities [2000] ECR I-6857.
  • Government of Gibraltar Corporation Tax Reform (Case C 66/2002) Commission Decision of 30 March 2004 [2005] OJ L85/1.
  • Commission Decision of 11 December 2002 on the part of the scheme adapting the national tax system to the specific characteristics of the Autonomous Region of the Azores which concerns reductions in the rates of income and corporation tax (Case C 35/2002 Régime fiscal des Açores) [2003] OJ L150/52.
  • Jan A Winter Case C-88/03, Portuguese Republic v. Commission annotation (2008) 45"Common Market Law Review" 183.
  • William Lindsay-Poulsen Regional Autonomy, Geographic Selectivity and Fiscal Aid: Between "The Rock" and a Hard Place [2008] 29 "European Competition Law Review" 43.
  • Consitution of Spain (Articles143 to 158).
  • Bartłomiej Kurcz How Selective is Selectivity (2007) 66 CLJ 313.
  • Phaedon Nicolaides Fiscal State Aid in the EU: The Limits of Tax Autonomy (2004) 27 "World Competition" 392.
  • Saturnina Moreno Gonzalez Regional Fiscal Autonomy from a State Aid Perspective: The ECJ's Judgment in Portugal v. Commission (2007) 47 "European Taxation" 328.
  • Anna Nykiel-Mateo, Pomoc państwa a ogólne środki interwencji w europejskim prawie wspólnotowym (Oficyna Wolters Kluwer business 2009) 186.
  • Vittorio Di Bucci Direct Taxation - State Aid in Form of Fiscal Measures in Michael Sánchez Rydelski The EC State Aid Regime -Distortive Effects of State Aid on Competition and Trade (Cameron May 2007) 79.
  • Joined Cases T-92/00 and T-103/00 Territorio Histórico de Álava - Diputación Foral de Álava Ramondín, SA and Ramondín Cápsulas, SA v Commission of the European Communities [2002] ECR II-1385, para 39.
  • Case C-126/01 Ministère de l'Économie, des Finances et de l'Industrie v GEMO SA [2003]ECR I-13769.
  • Commission Decision of 17 February 2003 on the State Aid implemented by the Netherlands for international financing activities (Case N 51/2001) [2003] OJ L180/52.
  • 80/932/EEC: Commission Decision of 15 September 1980 concerning the partial taking over by the State of employers contributions to sickness insurance schemes in Italy [1980]OJ L264/28.
  • Special flat rate of income tax for expatriate scientist and executives (Case N 69/1991) -Notice [1992] OJ C184/13. The measure was nevertheless approved under Article 107(3) (c)TFEU.
  • Modification of a scheme for flat-rate taxation for experts recruited abroad (Case N49/1999) Commission Decision of 03 May 2000 - Notice [2000] OJ C264/4.
  • Joined Cases T-127/99, T-129/99 and T-148/99 Territorio Histórico de Álava Diputación Foral de Álava, Comunidad Autónoma del Paìs Vasco and Gasteizko Industria Lurra, SA and Daewoo Electronics Manufacturing España, SA v Commission of the European Communities [2002] ECR II-1275.
  • 2003/501/EC: Commission Decision of 16 October 2002 on the State Aid scheme C 49/2001 (ex NN 46/2000) -Coordination Centres - implemented by Luxembourg [2003] OJ L170/20.
  • ^ Partially accelerated depreciation for R&D laboratories (Case N 18/97) Commission Decision of 11 May 1999 - Notice [1999] OJ C225/3.
  • Réduction de cotisations patronales de sécurité sociale en cas d'application d'une durée de travail hebdomadaire de 38 heures et en cas de réduction du temps de travail (Case N 232/2001) Commission Decision of 03 July 2001 - Notice [2001] C268/10.
  • Subsidies for investments in knowledge-infrastructure (BSIK)(Case N 291/2001) Commision Decision of 07 August 2002 [2003] OJ C18/37.
  • Commission Decision of 20 December 2006 on the aid scheme implemented by France under Article 39 CA of the General Tax Code - State Aid C 46/2004 (ex NN 65/2004) -G.I.E. fiscaux [2007] OJ L 112/41.
  • Bartłomiej Kurcz and Dimitri Vallindas Can General Measures Be Selective?: Some Thoughts on the Interpretation of a State Aid Definition (2008) 45 "Common Market Law Review" 159.
  • Decision 2003/755/EC: CommissionDecision of 17 February 2003 on the aid scheme implemented by Belgium for coordination centres established in Belgium [2003] OJ L282/25 later overturned on grounds of breach of the legitimate expectation principle in Joined Cases C-182/03 and C-217/03 Belgium and Forum 187 ASBL v Commission of the European Communities [2003] ECR I-6887.
  • Commission Decision of 22 June 2005 on the measure implemented by Italy for professional sports clubs (Case C 70/2003) Decreto Salva Calcio [2006] OJ L353/16.
  • Commission Decision of 26 May 2010 concerning State Aid in the form of a tax settlement agreement implemented by Belgium in favour of Umicore SA (formerly Union Minière SA) (State Aid C 76/03 (ex NN 69/03)) [2011] OJ L122/76.
  • 002/581/EC: Commission Decision of 11 December 2001 on the tax measures for banks and banking foundations implemented by Italy [2002] OJ L184/2.
  • Decisions 2002/540/EC: Commission Decision of 11 July 2001 on the State Aid scheme applied by Spain to certain newly established firms in Guipúzcoa (Spain) [2002] L 174/31 and2006/261/EC: Commission Decision of 16 March 2005 on aid scheme C 8/2004 (ex NN164/2003) implemented by Italy in favour of newly listed companies [2006] OJ L94/42.
  • Cases 11/69 Commission of the European Communities v France [1969] ECR 523.
  • 7/86 Greece v Commission of the European Communities [1988] ECR 2855, para 8.
  • 86 97/811/EC: Commission Decision of 9 April 1997 concerning aid granted by France to thetextile, clothing, leather and footwear industries [1997] OJ L334/25, para 7.
  • Cases C-169/84 Société CdF Chimie azote et fertilisants SA and Société chimique de la Grande Paroisse SA v Commission of the Europan Communities [1990] ECR I-3083 and C-148/04 Unicredito Italiano SpA v Agenzia delle Entrate, Ufficio Genova 1 [2005] ECR I-11137.
  • C-251/97 France v Commission of the European Communities [1999] ECR I-6639, para 36.
  • C-351/98 Spain v Commission of the European Communities (Spanish Trucks I) [2002] ECR I-8031, para 42.
  • T-346/99 to T-348/99 Territorio Histórico de Álava - Diputación Foral de Álava, Territorio Histórico de Guipúzcoa - Diputación Foralde Guipúzcoa and Territorio Histórico de Vizcaya - Diputación Foral de Vizcaya v Commission of the European Communities [2002] ECR II-4259, para 58.
  • C-159/01 Netherlands v Commission of the European Communities [2004] ECR I-4461, para 24.
  • T-210/02 British Aggregates Association v Commission of the European Communities [2006] ECR II-2789, para 107.
  • C-6/97 Italy v Commmission of theEuropean Communities [1999] ECR I-2981, Opinion of AG Ruiz-Jarabo, para 27.
  • C-53/00 Ferring SA p. Agence centrale des organismes de sécurité socjale (ACOSS), [2001] ECR I-9067, para 17.
  • C-409/00 Spain v Commission of the European Communities (Spanish Trucks II) [2003] ECR I-1487, para 52.
  • Case C-222/04 Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze. v. Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze SpA and Others [2006] ECR I-289, para 137.
  • Christos Golfinopoulos Concept of Selectivity Criterion in State Aid Definition Following Adria-Wien Judgment - Measures Justified by the "Nature or General Scheme ofa System" (2003) 24 ECLR 544.
  • C-83/98 P Ladbroke, Opinion of AG Fennelly,para 19.
  • C-83/98 P Ladbroke, Opinion of AG Fennelly, para 26.
  • Conor Quigley The Notion of a State Aid in the EEC' (1988) 13 EL Rev 245.
  • 003/193/EC: Commission Decision of 5 June 2002 on State Aid granted by Italy in theform of tax exemptions and subsidised loans to public utilities with a majority public capitalholding (Municipalizzate) [2003] OJ L77/21.
  • Leendert A Geelohoed The Demarcation of State Aid and Regulatory Charges (2005) 3 "EStAL" 402.
  • Cases T-233/04 Netherlands v Commission of the European Communities (Dutch NOx) [2008] II-591.
  • Case C-279/08 P European Commission v Netherlands (Dutch NOx II) [2011] ECR 00.
  • Commission Notice on the application of the State Aid rules to measures relating to directbusiness taxation [1998] OJ C384/3.
  • Commission Report on the implementation ofthe Commission notice on the application of the State Aid rules to measures relating to directbusiness taxation C(2004)434, para 71.
  • Wolfgang Schön, Taxation and State Aid Law in the European Union (1999) 36 CMLR 920.
  • Council Directive 2006/112/EC of 28 November 2006 on the common system of valueadded tax [2006] OJ L347/1.
  • Case C-36/99 Idéal tourisme SA v Belgian State [2000] ECR I-6049.
  • Case T-68/03 Olympiaki Aeroporia Ypiresies AE v Commission of the European Communities [2007] ECR II-2911, para 361.
  • Case C-128/92 H. J. Banks & Co. Ltd v British Coal Corporation [1994] ECR I-1209.
  • Decisions Tax exemptions for certain energy intensive processes (Case N820/2006) Commission Decision of 07 February 2007 - Notice [2007] OJ C80/1.
  • Zero tariff for green electricity (Case NN 30b/2000) Commission Decision of 28 November 2001 -Notice [2002] C30/12.
  • Environmental protection - Netherlands (Case N 678/2001) Commission Decision of 18 October 2001 - Notice [2002] C30/12.
  • 2002/676/EC,ECSC: Commission Decision of 3 April 2002 on the dual-use exemption which the United Kingdomis planning to implement under the Climate Change Levy and the extended exemption forcertain competing processes [2002] OJ L229/15.
  • Cuneo fiscale (tax wedge) (Case N184/2007) Commission Decision of 12 September 2007 - Notice [2007] C245/1.
  • Irish Holding Company Regime (N 354/2004) Commission Decision of 22 November 2004 -Notice [2005] OJ C131/10.
  • Andreas Bartosch The Concept of Selectivity? in Erika Szyszczak (ed) Research Handbook on European State Aid Law (Edward Elgar 2011)190.
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