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Content available remote Gospodarka o obiegu zamkniętym - stan obecny i perspektywy
W artykule przedstawiono nową i coraz bardziej popularną koncepcję gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym (circular economy, CE), stanowiącą alternatywę dla liniowego modelu działalności gospodarczej opartego na taniej energii i łatwo dostępnych zasobach. Scharakteryzowano pojęcie i istotę gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym, a także syntetycznie opisano najważniejsze inicjatywy wdrażania koncepcji CE na świecie w ujęciu makro-, mezoi mikroekonomicznym. W dalszej kolejności inicjatywy te zestawiono z działaniami podejmowanymi w tym zakresie w Polsce. Przedstawione rozważania prowadzą do generalnego wniosku, że efektywne wdrażanie koncepcji CE wymaga systemowych i wielopoziomowych zmian, łączących inicjatywy odgórne (polityczne i społeczne) z działaniami oddolnymi, realizowanymi przez przedsiębiorstwa. Co więcej, ograniczony zakres działań podejmowanych w tym obszarze w Polsce może sprawić, że polska gospodarka - silnie uzależniona od wykorzystania zasobów nieodnawialnych - napotka w przyszłości naturalne granice wzrostu, których nie będzie w stanie przezwyciężyć bez zmniejszenia zużycia surowców i ilości generowanych odpadów oraz promowania rozwiązań opartych na recyklingu.(abstrakt oryginalny)
W ciągłym dążeniu do zrównoważenia systemów społeczno-przemysłowych definicja użytecznych, wiarygodnych i informacyjnych, a jednocześnie prostych i przejrzystych wskaźników jest ważnym krokiem w ocenie obiegu zamkniętego ocenianych systemów. W kontekście gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym, literatura naukowa zidentyfikowała już brak nadrzędnych wskaźników (społecznych, miejskich, zorientowanych na zapobieganie itd.), wskazując, że wskaźniki jednowymiarowe nie są w stanie uchwycić złożoności systemu, close-loop, funkcji sprzężenia zwrotnego gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym. Pod tym względem rachunkowość Emergy jest jednym z podejść, które zostały zidentyfikowane jako posiadające potencjał do uwzględnienia zarówno zasoby, jak i produkty, co pozwala na ocenę systemu w perspektywie gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym. Ze względu na definicję Emergy i jej strukturę obliczeniową, wskaźniki oparte na Emergy bardzo dobrze nadają się do oceny i monitorowania procesów o zamkniętych pętlach. Dodatkowo Emergy ma unikalną cechę umożliwiającą ocenę systemów, które niekoniecznie są tylko systemami technosfery, ale także systemami technologicznymi, które biorą pod uwagę naturę (systemy techniczno-ekologiczne). W niniejszym artykule przedstawiono propozycję zestawu wskaźników Emergy, które zostały zidentyfikowane jako odpowiednie do oceny systemów zamkniętych, i nakreślono inną perspektywę w porównaniu ze wskaźnikami zdefiniowanymi w zakresie obiegu zamkniętego przez Ellen MacArthur Foundation w Circulariity Indicators Project. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Municipal waste management has become one of key areas for a circular economy. The European Union has founded its new strategy (Europe, 2003) on such an approach: wastes are raw materials and hence, it is possible to limit acquisition of original resources. To achieve the goal, a relevant sequence of proceedings regarding wastes has been approved: prevention, preparation for re-use, recycling, recovery, neutralization. It means that the municipal waste management must be based, most of all, on selective collection of wastes and on recycling, including fractions which have been weakly used so far, among others bio-degradable wastes. These relatively new goals enforce re-assessment of already planned and performed investments in the field of possibilities to perform them and efficiency of commenced municipal waste management reform. In Poland, the changes in question in a great scale started in 2013, after amendment of a law enabling communes to manage wastes and making them responsible for performance of estimated goals. It resulted in, among others, concentration of direct investments in the area of waste management, financed from treasury and Union's funds, private and public ones. Investment plans and already performed investments show that no proceedings hierarchy has been observed and hence, it may cause competition of particular investments for access to wastes and potential import of certain fractions. As a result it will decrease efficiency of certain installations and it may cause failure to follow required recycling rates; consequently, the Union may impose sanctions on Poland for failure to fulfill its obligations. The aim of the paper is to indicate that the waste targets, as a tool of circulate economy requires appropriate waste treatment installations. However, the selection of these installations should be made at the state level, because leaving the choice to the investor does not secure technical possibilities to achieve the objectives of municipal waste management, neither in terms of quantity nor cost. The paper follows a case study approach. The paper is based on the analysis of existing and planned waste treatment installations in Poland in relation to the quantity and composition of waste generated by households. The further part of the article is a discussion whether the existing and planned investment directions are in line with the accepted waste target and allow for their achievement at the lowest possible investment outlays.(author's abstract)
Cele artykułu to prezentacja i ocena znaczenia zachowań konsumenckich dla możliwości wdrożenia gospodarki obiegu zamkniętego dążącej do zmniejszenia negatywnego oddziaływania procesów produkcyjnych i konsumpcyjnych na środowisko naturalne poprzez tworzenie zamkniętych pętli obiegu surowców. W artykule zastosowano analizę dostępnej literatury przedmiotu, raportów tematycznych oraz danych statystycznych. Wykorzystano również badania gospodarstw domowych województwa śląskiego. Uznano, że dla praktycznej implementacji gospodarki obiegu zamkniętego zasadnicze znaczenie mają trzy płaszczyzny aktywności konsumenckiej: grupa I obejmująca postawy i zachowania związane z decyzją o zakupie; grupa II, odnosząca się do postaw i zachowań dotyczących już zakupionych produktów, np. decyzji związanych z ich naprawą i dalszym użytkowaniem oraz tendencji w tym zakresie; grupa III dotycząca sposobów postępowania z odpadami pokonsumpcyjnymi (analizowano tendencje dotyczące recyklingu na podstawie badań przeprowadzonych wśród gospodarstw domowych województwa śląskiego).(abstrakt oryginalny)
Research background: The fact that all resources are not infinite and the needs of society are steadily increasing, new ways of producing, consuming and waste disposal should be adopted. A circular economy as a modern alternative to a linear economy became one of the priorities of the European Union in order to create a modern, resource-efficient and competitive system. Purpose: The purpose of this article is to present the concept of a circular economy and the justification of its implementation based on a literature review. The article focuses on determining the factors of a circular economy and evaluating its importance in the Baltic States. In other words, the main aim of the article is to highlight the factors of a circular economy and assess its significance. Research methodology: A panel regression analysis was used in order to evaluate which indicator of the selected circular economy factors is the most important. Results: The survey reveals that waste electrical and electronic equipment has the most significant potential for increased circular material use rate in the Baltic States. All electrical and electronic equipment should be designed so that it would be possible to repair and reuse it to extend the product life cycle and reduce the carbon footprint. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in conjunction with increasing the usage of renewable energy could increase resource productivity and domestic material consumption (DMC) and ensure Baltic States' independence in the energy sector through offshore wind farms that have the region's most considerable potential. Novelty: There is a lack of studies conducted in the Baltic States focused on circular economy development using panel data. Most of the previous studies were focused on the European Union as a whole or individual countries. This study presents a deeper analysis of circular economy development in the Baltic States. (original abstract)
Coefficient-based, bottom-up material flow analysis is a suitable tool to quantify inflows, outflows and stock dynamics of materials used by societies, and thus can deliver strategic knowledge needed to develop circular economy policies. Anthropogenic stocks and flows are mostly of bulk nonmetallic mineral materials related to the construction, operation and demolition of buildings and infrastructures. Consequently, it is important to be able to quantify circulating construction materials to help estimate the mass of secondary materials which can be recovered such as recycled aggregates (RA) for fresh concrete in new buildings. Yet as such bulk materials are high volume but of low unit value, they are generally produced and consumed within a region. Loops are thus bounded not only by qualitative and technical restrictions but also spatially to within regions. This paper presents a regionalized continuous MFA (C-MFA) approach taking account of these restrictions of local consumption, quality standards and technical limitations, illustrated using the example of Germany. Outflows and inflows of stocks are quantified at county level and generalized by regional type, considering demand and supply for recycled materials. Qualitative and technical potentials of recycling loops are operationalized by defining coefficients to reflect waste management technologies and engineering standards. Results show that 48% of outflows of concrete and bricks are suitable for high-quality recycling, while 52% of outflows do not fulfill the quality requirement and must be recovered or disposed of elsewhere. The achievable inflow to RA is limited by the building activity as well as the requirements of the construction industry, e.g. the RA fraction of fresh concrete must not exceed 32%. In addition, there exist spatial disparities in construction across the country. In Germany, such disparities mean that there will be a shortfall in RA of 6.3 Gt by the year 2020, while the technically available but unusable RA (due to a regional mismatch of potential supply and demand) will total 3.2 Gt. Comprehensive recycling strategies have to combine high-quality recycling with other lower-grade applications for secondary raw materials. Particularly in the case of building materials, essential constraints are not only technical but also local conditions of construction and demolition. These interrelations should be identified and integrated into a comprehensive system to manage the social metabolism of materials in support of circular economy policies. (original abstract)
Background: The concepts of closed loop supply chain and circular economy are both based on the introduction of circular flow of material goods. Both concepts are becoming increasingly important not only due to the significance of reducing negative environmental impacts, but also due to supply chain disruptions caused by the COVID pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The aim of this article is to determine the role of closed loop supply chains in circular economy and to determine the possibilities of interplay regarding practical application of these concepts. Methods: The research method used in this paper is the review of the existing literature. The reviewed literature is related to the areas of closed loop supply chains and circular economy. The study focuses not only on the possibilities of interplay between these two concepts, but also similarities, differences, and related operational concepts, such as slowing or intensifying loops of flows of material goods. Results: The results concern the possibilities of interplay between closed loop supply chains and circular economy and possibilities related with building the closed loop supply chains in circular economy. One of such possibilities is building circular networks consisting of closed loop supply chains. It might include collaboration related to reducing the use, reusing, and recycling of material resources. Conclusions: The main possibility of interplay between closed loop supply chains and circular economy is collaboration between actors of different supply chains aiming at building circular networks. The main research implication is providing a basis for further research related with building closed loop supply chains and circular networks in circular economy. (original abstract)
Circular economy (CE) is an interesting approach by many countries to address global environmental problems while gaining economic benefits. The implementation of CE is expected to minimize the use of resources and materials, thus contributing to sustainable development. Much literature has discussed CE assessment indicators and their evaluation, however to date, no single indicator has been proposed that can comprehensively measure the macro level of CE implementation. This study aims to develop a CE index to measure CE implementation at macro levels. In addition, it provides an overview of the impact of CE implementation on the financial, social, and environmental aspects of the economy. To this end, first, an in-depth literature review and descriptive analysis is conducted to identify existing global CE indicators and classify them into financial, social, and environmental cat-egories based on available primary and secondary data. Then, the CE index is constructed using a mathematical equation by considering the CE framework, a single indicator of each aspect as a variable, and the variable's weighting. Finally, the CE index is applied to evaluate the level of CE implementation of CE in Indonesia at macro level. This index is expected to be a valuable tool for measuring CE implementation and therefore improving CE performance. (original abstract)
Content available remote Circular Economy From the Perspective of SMEs Sector
Purpose: The main objective of the paper is to determine the way SMEs perceive the circular economy concept and to establish factors influencing introduction of CE pratices. In particular, answers to the following research questions are sought: (1) Is the CE concept familiar to and well-understood by entrepreneurs?; (2) What are the strongest challenges and barriers for SMEs with regard to the introduction of the CE?; (3) Which factors determine SMEs' introduction CE practices. Design/methodology/approach: SMEs were selected as the subject of the research. The study was quantitative in character. A questionnaire study and statistical analysis (structural equation modeling in it) were used. Findings: The paper focuses upon challenges associated with the implementation of the circular economy in SMEs, barriers for implementation and determinants. The results revealed that the concept is familiar and well-understood. However, businesses do not perceive it as a source of economic benefits. The following fields were considered as problematic: improvement of recycling efficiency, exploitation of production by-products, and substitution of non-renewable resources. Structural equation modeling revealed that introduction of CE practices is determined by several institutional factors, perceived risk and external standards and norms. Originality/value: The paper extends previous work concerning the management of SMEs by undertaking the issue of CE introduction. In particular, it focuses on the perception of barriers and stimulators CE practices and responding to several recent calls for research on CE awareness in SMEs. Another novel element can be find in using the theory of reasoned action (TRA) to explain the factors conditioning the introduction of CE practices into SMEs.(original abstract)
Gospodarka UE traci obecnie znaczną ilość potencjalnych wtórnych surowców, które są obecne w strumieniach odpadów. W 2013 r. Całkowite wytwarzanie odpadów w UE wyniosło około 2,5 mld ton, z czego 1,6 miliarda ton nie zostało ponownie wykorzystane lub poddane recyklingowi, a zatem uważa się je za stratę dla gospodarki europejskiej. Szacuje się, że dodatkowe 600 milionów ton można poddać recyklingowi lub ponownie wykorzystać. Każdego roku w Europie wytwarzane jest około 700 milionów minerałów antropogenicznych, w tym około 150 milionów ton produktów spalania węgla (UPS) w energetyce. W 28 państwach członkowskich Unii Europejskiej produkuje się ponad 100 milionów ton, z czego ponad 20 milionów ton w Polsce. Gospodarka w zamkniętych pętlach utrzymuje produkty, części i materiały w obiegu gospodarczym tak długo, jak to możliwe, wykorzystując jak najmniej zasobów. Koncepcja ta została zaprezentowana w dokumencie opublikowanym przez Komisję Europejską: Circular Economy Package (CEP), który obejmuje również komunikat Komisji: Zamknięcie pętli - plan działania UE na rzecz gospodarki okrągłej. Ostatnie trendy sugerują, że dalsze postępy w zakresie efektywnego gospodarowania zasobami są możliwe i mogą przynieść znaczne korzyści gospodarcze, środowiskowe i społeczne. Przenoszenie odpadów do zasobów stanowi zasadniczą część zwiększenia efektywności wykorzystania zasobów i zamykania pętli w okrągłej gospodarce. Istnieją cztery główne obszary zastosowań UPS: budownictwo, budowa dróg, energia i utrzymanie dróg. Zwiększenie wykorzystania UPS można osiągnąć poprzez nadanie statusu prawnego odpadom produktów i przekonywanie konsumentów i przedsiębiorstw do następujących korzyści związanych z ich używaniem: obniżenie kosztów produkcji poprzez zastąpienie naturalnego agregatu odpadami (na podstawie UPS), redukcja emisji gazów cieplarnianych, I zwiększenie efektywności energetycznej. W rezultacie UPS musi spełniać określone normy techniczne ustalone przez UE i wprowadzać do polskiej gospodarki. W opracowaniu podjęto próbę oszacowania, stosując analizę porównawczą, korzyści ekonomicznych, społecznych i środowiskowych wynikających z wdrożenia koncepcji gospodarki obiegu zamkniętego (GOZ) dla sektora UPS polskiej gospodarki. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Purpose: Changes taking place in the modern world, caused by the depletion of natural resources, and the resulting need to search for such production methods that lead to the minimisation of extraction and processing of primary raw materials, point to the need for a paradigm shift in business towards the implementation of closed material cycles. The aim of this article is to assess the extent to which Silesian enterprises are implementing initiatives related to the implementation of a circular economy with the use of the ReSOLVE model, a research framework that facilitates an overview and mapping of activities that form the basis for building circular business models. Design/methodology/approach: The study covered companies of different sizes (both SMEs and large entities) which operate in the Silesian Voivodeship. A non-probabilistic and purposive sample was selected, which ultimately included 36 companies (25 SMEs and 11 large companies). Findings: The study shows that the surveyed SMEs are much more active (when compared to large enterprises) in taking measures that, according to the ReSOLVE model, fall into the categories of Regenerate and Share. In turn, the advantages of large enterprises relate to, among other things, designing products to ensure their longer life cycle, reducing waste production and using systems/equipment that optimise resource consumption, recovering raw materials, implementing virtual services, and upgrading existing or using new technological solutions. In relation to large enterprises, the respondents indicated legal barriers as the most important, while in the SME group, market barriers, including in particular higher costs associated with the production of circular products, were mentioned. Originality/value: The study results presented in the article complement the previous literature on strategic directions, barriers and benefits while building circular business models. The key scientific contribution of the article is to confirm, in the reality of the Polish economy, the usefulness of the ReSOLVE model for identifying activities related to the implementation of a circular economy at the organizational level. (original abstract)
Purpose: The concept of Circular-Oriented Innovation represents a new, valuable, and growing stream of research embedded in management literature. The conceptualization of such innovations indicates that they are involved in the systemic creation and implementation of environmental changes in all dimensions of companies' activities (process, product, organization, business model). Since the effective implementation of sustainable practices requires the development of resources, skills, and competencies/capabilities, especially dynamic capabilities, the paper aims to identify the dynamic determinants of Circular-Oriented Innovation at the organizational level. Design/methodology/approach: The paper is theoretical and cognitive and is based on an in- depth literature review. The developed conceptual model considers the direct and indirect relationships linking a company's propensity and ability to act for Circular-Oriented Innovation with three types of dynamic capabilities (i.e., relation, absorption, and digitalization capabilities), the organizational processes underlying their building, and elements of the organizational context (leadership, organizational structure, and culture, as well as a long-term strategic vision for the company's development). Findings: The paper adds to the existing literature and contributes to understanding Circular- Oriented Innovation from the dynamic capability perspective. In addition, they indicate the need for further scientific research that can use the proposed conceptual framework to formulate research proposals and then develop (in the future) testable research hypotheses necessary for empirical verification of this conceptual model. Originality/value: The critical scientific contribution of the paper is the development of a research framework that goes well beyond existing studies on Circular-Oriented Innovation and Circular Business Model Innovation. The proposed extension of the model's theoretical structure to include propensity (representing behavioral and structural aspects) and ability (i.e., practices, routines, and actions) indicates that a paradigm shift in how companies do business requires developing both propensity and ability to act for Circular-Oriented Innovation, through shaping the structural and organizational context, on the one hand, and simultaneous building of dynamic capabilities, on the other. (original abstract)
Wdrażanie rozwiązań z zakresu biogospodarki cyrkularnej jest zagadnieniem złożonym. Wymaga to dobrej znajomości koncepcji, różnych procesów gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym i ich oczekiwanych skutków dla sektorów oraz łańcuchów wartości. Jednak badania nad gospodarką o obiegu zamkniętym wydają się być fragmentaryczne w różnych dyscyplinach i często istnieją różne perspektywy interpretacji tego pojęcia i powiązanych aspektów, które należy ocenić. Niniejszy artykuł zawiera przegląd literatury na temat biogospodarki i gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym w celu lepszego zrozumienia tej koncepcji, a także jej różnych wymiarów i oczekiwanych skutków. Celem artykułu jest zarysowanie koncepcji biogospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym wraz z przedstawieniem głównych uwarunkowań jej wdrażania. Przedstawiono wybrane inicjatywy polityczne na rzecz wdrażania koncepcji gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym w sektorze biogospodarki oraz modele biznesowe dedykowane dla rozwiązań biogospodarczych. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Research background: The concept of sustainable firm performance has gained significant interest within the highly competitive business arena. There has been a significant increase in the adoption and implementation of circular economy practices by industries. If a company can implement an established approach to circular economy practices, it may expedite the attainment of sustainable corporate performance. This research is conducted in the context of ready-made garment organizations that are following green criteria in their business activities. The study focuses on an emerging South Asian country, Bangladesh, as it holds a strong position in the global apparel and garment market; it is imperative to assess and ensure the environmental maintenance of this country's garment sector. Purpose of the article: The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between circular economy practices and sustainable organizational performance. The study focuses on the contributory relationship of circular economy practices on three-dimensional sustainable performance, i.e. on environmental, financial, and social performance. Method: This is a quantitative survey-based study; a total of 418 managers were selected to participate. Primary data was collected through a structured questionnaire given to a sample of permanent managers of green garment organizations in Bangladesh. For data input and analysis, SPSS and PLS-SEM software were used. Findings & value added: The results of our study demonstrate a noteworthy relationship between circular economy practices and sustainable performance. This research enhances our comprehension of the efficacy of circular economy practices in addressing environmental issues. The study examines the potential ramifications of implementing circular economy practices for policymakers in the green garment sector, which is known for its significant labor-intensive activities, and ranks as the country's second-largest contributor. The outcomes provide a distinctive perspective for adding value to the environmental concerns in emerging economies. Thus, through an investigation of circular economy practices, our research provides valuable insights for the market of global garment products concerning the environment, resource maximization, energy saving, and circular production processes. (original abstract)
Content available remote Circular Economy as Assistance for Sustainable Development in OECD Countries
Research background: Circular economy is of great importance, as it plays a vital role in ensuring the reuse of waste created and, therefore, reduces the waste of limited resources, which is the primary goal of the general economic concept. In line with the circular economy, sustainable development gains great attention, as the United Nations announced the sustainable development goals that should be reached by 2030. Hence, the current paper aims at examining whether the circular economy could be treated as an effective assistance tool for sustainable development of OECD countries.Purpose of the article: The paper aims to investigate whether the circular economy could serve as an assistance tool for sustainable development and, therefore, seeks to determine if the circular economy could directly impact a country's sustainable development.Methods: First, the countries chosen were prioritised using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Evaluation Based on Distance from Average Solution (EDAS) methodologies. AHP method was used for weight assignment to the circular economy indicators that were further used for OECD countries' prioritisation procedure for which multi-criteria decision-making method EDAS was employed. Second, to reveal a link between the circular economy ranking results and sustainable development, a comparative analysis was done. Third, the impact of the country's circular economy on sustainable development was evaluated using the fixed-effect regression model on four years of panel data from 2016 to 2019 for the sample of 32 OECD countries.Findings & value-added: The comparative analysis of the circular economy's prioritization results and Sustainable Development Goals Index (SDGI) ranking showed 20 out of 32 matches, assuming a link between the circular economy and sustainable development could be made. The fixed-effect regression equation results demonstrate that the unemployment rate, poverty rate, air pollution exposure, and CO2 emission per capita negatively influence sustainable development. In contrast, indicators such as gross domestic expenditure on R&D, renewable energy, number of passenger cars in use, and households with Internet access positively impact SDGI. The hypothesis that the circular economy is seen as an assistance for sustainable development and directly affects a country's sustainability was approved. The paper contributes to the scientific literature in the field of circular economy and sustainable development interaction and could be seen as an assumption for new research directions, focusing on the linkage between circular economy and sustainable development. Moreover, the obtained results could contribute to a country's policymakers by highlighting the essential indicators of a circular economy that should be considered while forming the strategy of a country's sustainable development. (original abstract)
Motivation: Contemporary economics provides to the practice of the social world functioning increasingly precise knowledge about how the modern economy and economics change. Although it seems that it is knowledge necessary to make science more useful for the social world, it creates a risk of blurring the general picture of the studied problems. One of the modern phenomena analysed in economic theory and tested in economic practice is the sharing economy (SE). Because it is a relatively new subject of economic analysis, it seems important to closely follow the development of academic work concerning SE (also on the basis of the knowledge provided by the social world). Aim: The authors of the paper have focused on achieving the following research objectives: (1) identification of literature output in the area of SE, (2) assessment of cooperation between researchers dealing with SE topics and (3) diagnosis of thematic areas related to the studied phenomenon. The basis for the works on the research objectives was a set of 1411 papers related to SE, published in 2011-2018, in the Scopus database. For the research, quantitative analysis with elements of qualitative analysis was used. Results: Based on the research conducted, the following conclusions were formulated: (1) the current literature on the SE phenomenon is fragmentary, (2) the cooperation, if any, between researchers dealing with SE is ephemeral, (3) SE contexts are focused on specific socio-economic phenomena. (original abstract)
Według Światowej Organizacji Turystyki ONZ, Unia Europejska stanowi istotny kierunek podróży. Rozwój turystyki odgrywa więc znaczącą rolę w poprawie koniunktury regionów Wspólnoty Europejskiej. Niestety nie można zapomnieć o jej negatywnych skutkach. Dynamiczny rozwój sektora turystycznego niesie za sobą degradację środowiska naturalnego, rosnące zużycie zasobów naturalnych i wzrost zanieczyszczeń. Rozwiązaniem tych kwestii zajmuje się ekonomia cyrkularna. Jej wdrożenie może pozytywnie wpłynąć na osiągane przez sektor turystyczny zyski, jednocześnie przyczyniając się do zahamowania negatywnych skutków środowiskowych. Artykuł ma na celu zaprezentowanie koncepcji gospodarki obiegu zamkniętego oraz omówienie, na przykładzie hotelu Green Solution House, możliwości implementacji przez obiekty turystyczne rozwiązań cyrkularnych. Inspiracją do napisania artykułu był międzynarodowy projekt CIRTOINNO: Circular economy tools to support innovation in green and blue tourism SMEs.(abstrakt oryginalny)
The transition from the linear model to the circular economy (CE) model is not an easy task and it requires constant monitoring of the achieved effects. Taking this fact into consideration, in January 2018 the European Union (EU) set 10 indicators to monitor and evaluate the main elements of the circular economy in the EU and its Member States. The list of indicators is short and it is based on the use of current available data. The monitoring results are intended to constitute the basis for setting new priorities towards the long-term goal of the circular economy. In case of companies there is still no framework for monitoring the effects of circular economy at micro level. In practice, various indicators for circularity assessment at micro level are available, but each of the indicators evaluates the complexity of circular economy to different extent. For this reason, there is a need to create a framework for monitoring the circular economy at company level, which would also be based on information already collected by the companies for the preparation of various environmental reports. Therefore, this article presents the results of review 66 environmental statements, which are prepared and updated annually by organizations participating in the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) system in Poland. On this basis, it was determined what circular economy information are already collected and reported by the companies and which information can be included in the framework of circular economy monitoring at company level in the future. (original abstract)
Artykuł prezentuje wyniki realizacji pierwszej fazy projektu CCI: Circular Economy and Place, w której dokonano identyfikacji wyzwań i problemów w procesie wypracowania i wdrożenia w Regionie Morza Bałtyckiego modelu gospodarki odpowiadającego założeniom unijnego planu działania dotyczącego gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym (ang. Circular Economy Action Plan). Konfrontacja pierwotnych założeń projektu ze stwierdzonymi uwarunkowaniami uświadomiła jego twórcom ko- nieczność przeformułowania metod i sposobów działania (w drugiej fazie), urealniając perspektywę osiągnięcia zasadniczego celu: zmniejszenia różnicy w zakresie zdolności prowadzenia gospodarki o obiegu zamkniętym na peryferyjnym Regionie Morza Bałtyckiego w stosunku do centrum Unii Europejskiej. Celowość analizy wniosków sformułowanych po pierwszej fazie projektowej wynika z ukazania znaczenia uwarunkowań makroregionalnych w procesach wdrażania mechanizmów unijnych, które powinny być identyczne we wszystkich częściach Unii Europejskiej.(abstrakt oryginalny)
Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie przeglądu regulacji transnarodowych (globalnych i europejskich w dziedzinie ochrony środowiska i gospodarki cyrkularnej. W artykule omówione zostały regulacje zaproponowane w publikacjach i raportach przygotowanych przez takie organizacje globalne i Agendy ONZ jak: Program Ochrony Środowiska Narodów Zjednoczonych (UNEP); Konferencja ONZ do spraw Handlu i Rozwoju (UNCTAD), Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych do spraw Wyżywienia i Rolnictwa (FAO), jak również przez Światową Organizacja Handlu (WTO), oraz przez Komisję Europejską jako ciało wykonawcze Unii Europejskiej.W odniesieniu do WTO regulacje te dotyczą efektów liberalizacji handlu towarami i usługami środowiskowymi oraz technologiami przyjaznymi środowisku.Zrównoważony rozwój polega głównie na ochronie środowiska naturalnego oraz ograniczaniu w sektorze gospodarki nadmiernego uzależnienia od wyczerpujących się zasobów naturalnych w tym przede wszystkim od surowców pierwotnych. W tym znaczeniu proponowany jest od kilku lat nowy bardziej zasobooszczędny model rozwoju, bazujący na zasadach gospodarki cyrkularnej. W ramach tego modelu wykorzystanie zasobów jest zminimalizowane, a gdy produkt osiąga koniec okresu użytkowania, jest ponownie wykorzystywany do tworzenia dodatkowej nowej wartości. Może to generować znaczne korzyści ekonomiczne, przyczyniając się do tworzenia nowych metod produkcji i nowych innowacyjnych produktów, wzrostu oraz tworzenia miejsc pracy. (abstrakt oryginalny)
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