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w słowach kluczowych:  Production control
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The article presents the methodology and results of tests of a prototype controller designed for the electrohydraulic control system of a powered roof support. This controller is the basic part of the developed, innovative control system. The tests were carried out on a custom-designed testing station, equipped with one section of a roof support. The aim of the research was to check the functionality and speed of the controller's response while working with the actual support section. The tested controller and the control system has a modular structure, which greatly facilitates its operation and use. Measurements of control functions were carried out on the controller connected to the electrohydraulic control block. The research mainly focused on determining the period starting from the moment of providing the signal to the moment of switching on the basic functions performed by the support section. The obtained results confirm the assumptions made. The controller's operation is very stable, and its response times are very short. It can therefore be assumed that the tested controller is correctly designed and constructed. This creates great possibilities for its practical application in the built-in system for controlling the roof support. This may be particularly important in the case of high-efficiency longwall complexes, for which wireless control of the support is planned to be used. The presented research methodology and obtained results should therefore be an important source of information in the field of testing controllers for powered roof supports. (original abstract)
The paper presents an analysis of the causes and consequences of nonconformity that has been made in the welding of structural elements. The most frequent incompatibilities in this process were identified and RPN determined for them. The implementation of corrective and preventive actions in the identified critical areas was suggested based on the conducted analysis. After the implementation of corrective actions the re-calculation of the value of the RPN has been made. The paper presents the importance of visual inspection in the process of supervising finished products from the construction welding process. Elements of selected processes carried out in welded structures over two months were analyzed. (original abstract)
Wybór właściwego dostawcy konstrukcji stalowych może decydować o efektywności całego przedsięwzięcia budowlanego. Zmniejsza ryzyko niedotrzymania zaplanowanego terminu końcowego, przekroczenia budżetu, ryzyko powstania wad i usterek, a w efekcie poniesienia dodatkowych nakładów na roboty poprawkowe. Opracowanie i wdrożenie Zintegrowanego Systemu Zarządzania lub systemu Zakładowej Kontroli Produkcji może być jednym z czynników zwiększających przewagę konkurencyjną firmy budowlanej na rynku i umożliwić pozyskanie większej liczby zleceń. Różnice wymagań między zarządzaniem jakością według wymagań normy ISO 9001, a zapewnieniem jakości wynikającym z norm szczegółowych PN-EN 1090 skutecznie zniechęcają większość przedsiębiorstw z branży konstrukcji stalowych do wdrożenia i certyfikacji takich systemów. W artykule omówiono problemy zapewnienia jakości w produkcji stalowych konstrukcji budowlanych na przykładzie modelu produkcji ze zlecaniem wszystkich operacji produkcyjnych. Zlokalizowano kluczowe obszary systemu zapewnienia jakości gwarantujące zaplanowanie skutecznego nadzoru nad podwykonawcami. Z obserwacji wdrożenia takiego systemu wynika, że kluczowym elementem jest właściwa ocena i analiza wymagań klienta, dekompozycja zadania na pakiety zlecane podwykonawcom i ustaleniem szczegółów kontroli na każdym etapie. Znaczącą eliminację ryzyka wad jakościowych w podwykonawstwie zapewnia dodatkowo system wyboru podwykonawców. (abstrakt oryginalny)
The aim of the article is to get to know the essence of production control in the activity of enterprises. This background presents: the role of control in the enterprise and its classification with particular emphasis on production control. Production control plays an important role in the proper course of the production process. On the one hand, it comes down to the preparation of production plans, creating cost budgets for the company's production parts, and on the other hand to control their implementation. In the scope of production control, economic control of production is taken into account, defined as a direct and indirect impact on the shape of the assortment- and quantity-related structure of production and its course in time and space to ensure, in the given circumstances, the best achievement of the organization's goals. Production control may refer to strategic planning, where the most important is to strike a balance between the flexibility of using production means and workforce, availability of technology and substitute technologies or operational planning, where the key task is to find and eliminate bottlenecks occurring in the production process. (original abstract)
The aim of this paper is to show that absence of industrial controllers with appropriate capabilities - in the literature pointed out as the main development-related barrier for industrial deployment of Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS) - is out of date. Trends in factory automation and the concept of Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC), which creates a promising perspective for industrial implementations of IMS, are briefly discussed. The results of a current phase of a project devoted to PAC-based IMS in a medium-size production company are presented. Experiments with an industrial testbed with limited functionality, used in a daily production process for 11 months, are described. Directions of the development of the system are discussed. (original abstract)
In the paper a possibility of in-process inspection of gear and spline shafts during forming was discussed. Different methods of forming toothed elements were discussed as well as the other technologies were mentioned. Coordinate measurement technique as a way of post process inspection was presented. However, it is not possible to use it for checking features during forming process. To do it different sensors were used and their combinations were described. (original abstract)
Cel - przedstawienie sposobu funkcjonowania audytu wewnętrznego w systemie zakładowej kontroli produkcji (ZKP). W artykule zostały przedstawione techniki audytu wewnętrznego oraz przykład przeprowadzonego audytu w firmie produkującej wyroby budowlane. Metodologia badań - analiza literaturowa oraz analiza rzeczywistych wyników z przeprowadzonego audytu. Wynik - wskazanie istoty audytu wewnętrznego dla systemu zakładowej kontroli produkcji. Oryginalność - artykuł kierowany jest przede wszystkim do kadry audytorów wewnętrznych, kierowników produkcji z branż produkujących wyroby budowlane z uwagi na przedstawienie miejsca audytu wewnętrznego w systemie ZKP. (abstrakt oryginalny)
In flexible manufacturing systems the most important element in determining the proper course of technological processes, transport and storage is the control and planning subsystem. The key planning task is to determine the optimal sequence of production orders. This paper proposes a new method of determining the optimal sequence of production orders in view of the sum of the costs related to the delayed execution of orders. It takes into account the different unit costs of delays of individual orders and the amount of allowable delays of orders involving no delay costs. The optimum sequence of orders, in the single-machine problem, in view of the sum of the costs of delays may be significantly different from the optimal order, taking into account the sum of delay times. (original abstract)
The traditional production planning model based upon a deterministic approach is well described in the literature. Due to the uncertain nature of manufacturing processes, such model can however incorrectly represent actual situations on the shop floor. This study develops a mathematical modeling framework for generating production plans in a multistage manufacturing process. The devised model takes into account the stochastic model for predicting the occurrence of faulty products. The aim of the control model is to determine the number of products which should be manufactured in each planning period to minimize both manufacturing costs and potential financial penalties for failing to fulfill the order completely. (original abstract)
The article addresses the problem of determining the sequence of entering orders for production in a flexible manufacturing system implementing technological operations of cutting sheet metal. Adopting a specific ranking of production orders gives rise to the vector of delays and waste in the form of incompletely used sheets. A new method was postulated for determining the optimal sequence of orders in terms of two criteria: the total cost of delays and the amount of production waste. The examples illustrate the advantages of the proposed method compared with the popular heuristic principles. (original abstract)
Tapping is an extensively employed manufacturing process by which a multi-teethtool, known as a tap, cuts a mating thread when driven into a hole. When taps are new orslightly worn, the process is under control and the geometry of the resulting threads on theworkpiece is correct. But as the tap wear increases, the thread geometry deviates progressivelyfrom the correct one and eventually the screw threads become unacceptable. The aim ofthis paper is to outline the development of a statistical process control strategy for decisionmaking based on data coming from the current signal of the tap spindle for assessing threadquality. It could operate on line, and indicates when the tap wear is so critical that, if theprocess were continued, it would result in unacceptable screw threads. The system would bevery cost-effective since the tapping process could be run without any operator intervention.(original abstract)
Content available remote Rola zakładowej kontroli produkcji w doskonaleniu wyrobów i procesów
W opracowaniu zwrócono uwagę na różnicę pomiędzy certyfikowaną zakładową kontrolą produkcji a systemem zarządzania jakością zgodnym z normą ISO 9001. Zobrazowany został również zasięg oddziaływania zakładowej kontroli produkcji na organizacje. Dokonana została także weryfikacja oddziaływania zakładowej kontroli produkcji na doskonalenie, zarówno produktu, jak i procesu, w oparciu o badania własne przeprowadzone w trzech organizacjach prowadzących działalność produkcyjną. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Scheduling is one of the most important decisions in production control. An approach is proposed for supporting users to solve scheduling problems, by choosing the combination of physical manufacturing system configuration and the material handling system settings. The approach considers two alternative manufacturing scheduling configurations in a two stage product oriented manufacturing system, exploring the hybrid flow shop (HFS) and the parallel flow shop (PFS) environments. For illustrating the application of the proposed approach an industrial case from the automotive components industry is studied. The main aim of this research to compare results of study of production scheduling in the hybrid and the parallel flow, taking into account the makespan minimization criterion. Thus the HFS and the PFS performance is compared and analyzed, mainly in terms of the makespan, as the transportation times vary. The study shows that the performance HFS is clearly better when the work stations' processing times are unbalanced, either in nature or as a consequence of the addition of transport times just to one of the work station processing time but loses advantage, becoming worse than the performance of the PFS configuration when the work stations' processing times are balanced, either in nature or as a consequence of the addition of transport times added on the work stations' processing times. This means that physical layout configurations along with the way transport time are including the work stations' processing times should be carefully taken into consideration due to its influence on the performance reached by both HFS and PFS configurations.
Każdy przedsiębiorca chcący zostać producentem wyrobów budowlanych w Polsce musi zapoznać się z obowiązującymi normami, postarać się o stworzenie aprobaty technicznej, a w zasadzie rzetelne wypisanie wniosku o jej wydanie, Dzienniki Ustaw dotyczące określonej tematyki, ocenę zgodności, a w konsekwencji wdrożenie Zakładowej Kontroli Produkcji. Istota tkwi w kluczowym podejściu do tematu - trzymaniu się kolejności, znajomości dokumentacji i produktu, z którym mamy styczność. Należy poznać kilka kroków, aby przebrnąć przez proces i odnieść zamierzony sukces. Artykuł przedstawia czynności (a także wskazówki dla producentów), przez które trzeba przebrnąć, aby legalnie wdrożyć na rynek wyrób budowlany. Czy jedna osoba jest w stanie przeprowadzić proces wdrożenia, a następnie nadzoru nad utrzymaniem standardów Zakładowej Kontroli Produkcji? Kroki, które należy podjąć, aby legalnie wprowadzić na rynek wyrób budowlany, są zasadniczo opisane w tym artykule.(abstrakt oryginalny)
Outsourcing znajduje coraz częściej zastosowanie w polskich przedsiębiorstwach jako koncepcja służąca poprawie skuteczności i efektywności procesów, w tym w organizacjach sektora budowlanego stosujących Zakładową Kontrolę Produkcji (ZKP). Celem autorów, przyjętym w niniejszym opracowaniu, jest identyfikacja newralgicznych obszarów ZKP narażonych na zagrożenia wynikające z wykorzystania outsourcingu, a także określenie podstawowych sposobów ograniczania ryzyka związanego z outsourcingiem. Przedstawione sugestie są wynikiem badań przeprowadzonych przez Autorów wśród wybranych producentów sektora budowlanego. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Content available remote Improving the Production Planning and Control Process
Focusing the activities of a production business on the strategy based on quality entails orientation on meeting the expectations of the customers with respect to the product itself, and the terms of its delivery. The article notes the role of the production planning and control process in improving the quality of the business offer. It identifies the objectives set for the process from the perspective of meeting the expectations of both the external client and internal client, the latter being the production process. The article points to the key problems which hinder meeting customers' expectations, and indicates the directions of perfecting the process, connected with improvement of the production system throughput, steps taken to attain the information and material flow according to the pull strategy and lean principles, and flexibility combined with production intelligence. (original abstract)
W poruszonym problemie podejmuje się próbę powiązania punktu widzenia odbiorczej kontroli jakości z kontrolą procesu produkcyjnego tzn. uwzględniając w tej drugiej parametry występujące w tej pierwszej, Chodzi przy tym o obliczenie liczebności próby oraz liczby dyskwalifikującej dla trzech przypadków rozkładów skokowych.(fragment tekstu)
Nowadays production systems are often controlled by Kanban. An important precondition is that the variation in the production parameters is relatively small. These variations are taken into account in the calculations of a Kanban including a safety factor. The dynamic behaviour of a Kanban will be illustrated by employing discrete event simulation. If the Kanban is close loop controlled, a reduction of the circulating Kanban cards is possible, provided that the cycle time of variation in the output rate is longer than the fourfold cycle time of a container. If a predictive controller is applied, a reduction is achieved as from more than twice the cycle time of a container. The control of a Kanban can be done manually; however, the installation of an e-Kanban is a better option. (original abstract)
Content available remote Zastosowanie standaryzacji pracy w celu poprawy efektywności produkcji
W dobie dynamicznie zmieniających się uwarunkowań rynkowych coraz ważniejszą rolę w skutecznym zarządzaniu procesem produkcji odgrywa analiza efektywności. Kompleksowa analiza efektywności procesu produkcji jest skomplikowanym działaniem kontrolingowym, głównie ze względu na brak precyzyjnego określenia jej zakresu. Z tego względu w literaturze przedmiotu można znaleźć dyskusje na temat efektywności ekonomicznej oraz efektywności operacyjnej. W niniejszym artykule poruszono problematykę związaną z wpływem standaryzacji pracy na liniach produkcyjnych na efektywność produkcji w aspekcie operacyjnym. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Purpose: The aim of the work was to present the automation of the mass measurement process as a factor that can significantly affect the quality and speed of analyzes in pharmaceutical industry. Design/methodology/approach: In this study, two methods were presented for testing the mass uniformity of tablets whose weight ranged from 13 mg to 2580 mg. The first method involved determining the weight of 20 randomly selected tablets of pharmaceutical preparations by statically measuring the weight of these tablets. In the second method, an automatic tablet feeder type PA-04/H was used, in which, as a result of vibration, successive tablets were automatically moved via a special chute onto the weighing pan. Findings: No significant differences were found in the weight measurements performed by the manual and automatic methods. The largest differences were noted at the 0.5% level. All tablets tested met the United States Pharmacopeia requirements for their mass uniformity. For orally disintegrating tablets, the largest percentage deviations in weight from the mean value were - 4.47% for tablet F6, - 4.26%, for tablet F1 and 3.31% for tablet F2. The differences in accuracy and precision between the automatic and manual methods were insignificant. Research limitations/implications: Mass measurement by the manual method is one of the most frequently performed measurements in the laboratory. The final result from this measurement method may be subject to error caused, for example, by human error, i.e. reading, writing or calculation error. For this reason, process automation is increasingly being used, which eliminates the possibility of error to a large extent. Practical implications: The automation of weight measurement reduces the effort required for product inspection. Thus, it can be an important factor in the process of optimization and product quality management. Originality/value: The description of the research method and its results can be a valuable guideline for people who deal with product quality control in the pharmaceutical industry. It has been shown that automation to be effective does not have to be complicated but well designed. (original abstract)
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