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Text documents are the most widely used type of data in corporate practice. Among many aspects of dealing with, and processing of text documents, text categorization is often an initial phase. Text categorization is meant here as an automatic assignment of a text document, characterized by keywords, into some categories. We use a linguistic quantifier guided aggregation, via linguistic summaries, to obtain a concise description of documents, and show its use in text categorization.(original abstract)
Coraz więcej międzynarodowych czasopism z dziedziny nauk o żywności, technologii i żywienia wymaga od autorów zamieszczania ilustrowanego i obrazowego abstraktu graficznego, który w zwięzły sposób oddaje istotę badań przedstawionych w manuskrypcie. Ten wymóg jest realizowany przez wiele czasopism różnych wydawców. Typowy abstrakt graficzny składa się z kilku pojedynczych wykresów, zdjęć lub rysunków, które niekoniecznie muszą się opierać na zebranych danych doświadczalnych. Należy również pamiętać, że tekst powinien być bardzo ograniczony. Obrazy powinny jasno przedstawiać treść opisaną w pracy. Abstrakt graficzny należy przesłać jako osobny plik. Niedołączenie abstraktu graficznego w momencie składania manuskryptu spowoduje automatyczne jego odrzucenie - manuskrypt zostanie uznany za niekompletny i nie będzie brał udziału w procesie recenzji.(abstrakt oryginalny)
At the beginning of the 21st century, the establishment of the caliphate remained invariably the strategic goal of the global Salafi-jihadist movement. The Islamic State's (IS; often referred to as ISIS - Islamic State of Iraq and ah-Sham; Dāʿish or Daesh) primary goal of establishing a caliphate has placed 'apostate' regimes rather than Western countries, as their primary enemies. Such country is Turkey, which IS describes as tağut. Indeed, the first issue of the Dabiq magazine targets Turkey as a hostile tyrannical country. This article examines the IS's approach to Turkey, which, due to cultural differences, is located on the border of Western and Middle Eastern civilizations (this approach to Turkey's role is supported by its membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization - NATO and negotiations of its accession to the European Union - EU). The author attempts to explore the main themes related to Turkey in IS's English-language magazines Dabiq and Rumiyah, as well as the Turkish-language Konstantiniyye. The article aims to investigate whether Turkey is a main enemy and indirectly present whether its involvement in the fight against IS is/was linked to the increased terrorist threat in Turkey. The author hopes that this research will enrich the knowledge about jihadi propaganda and IS's approach to close enemies (al-adou al-qareeb).(original abstract)
This paper describes the automatic summarization system developed for the Polish language. The system implements sentence-based extractive summarization technique, which consists in determining most important sentences in document due to their computed salience. A structure of the system is presented, as well as the evaluation method and achieved results. The presented attempt is intended to serve as the baseline for future solutions, as it is the first summarization project evaluated against the Polish Summaries Corpus, the standardized corpus of summaries for the Polish language.(original abstract)
Niniejszą pracę rozpoczyna prezentacja podstawowych zagadnień związanych z text miningiem. Przedstawiona zostanie jego definicja, związki z innymi metodami badań oraz krótki przegląd problemów badawczych rozpatrywanych na jego gruncie. Kolejny punkt pracy dotyczy metod pozyskiwania informacji z dokumentów tekstowych i sposobów jej reprezentacji. Kontynuacją tego zagadnienia są rozważania zawarte w następnej części pracy, które dotyczą sposobów wykorzystania pozyskanych informacji w procesie analizy. Poruszone w artykule problemy zilustrowane zostaną przykładem wykorzystującym rzeczywiste dane tekstowe. Końcowa część pracy zawiera wnioski i spis wykorzystanej literatury. (fragment tekstu)
Prince V.F. Odoyevsky (1803-1869) was the Russian writer, philosopher, musicologist and subtle musical critic, public figure, founder of «Society of philosophy-lovers» and author of «Motley Tales with Witticisms», fascinating monument of native culture; the book was published only once during the life of the writer and afterwards was not republished as the cycle. In literary criticism «Motley Tales» as the unified and important cycle by V.F. Odoyevsky were given scant coverage, although this literary work marked the beginning of new period in the writer's oeuvre; an image of narrator Homoseyko is especially interesting because it is not only the intellectual hero, but also the alter ego of the writer. «Motley Tales» manifest a unique opportunity of watching the rising of themes and motives which will be revealed in the writer's creation later, as well as following the formation of philosophical, aesthetic and artistic principles of author, as his fairy tales include the patterns of philosophical grotesque, social and moralizing story, folklore/psychological fantasy. (original abstract)
This article is devoted to analyze verbal interactions in Oleanna [1993] within Grice's Cooperative Principles [1975] in order to illustrate how the shift of power gradually takes place in the academic discourse of the play. Maxims of this principle are applied on John's utterances in the first act on which the foundation of asymmetric relationship is laid. As expected within Grice's framework, the breaching of maxims, besides their observation, is performed by John through four ways of violating, opting out, clashing and flouting. The conversational implicaturs consequently generating from the flouting of some maxims, most frequently of quality, and quantity, conflict with Carol's assumptions about the state of professorship in academic context which motivate her for gaining power. The study, thereby, aims to demonstrate how clashing and flouting of maxims by John make him weak to Carol's new voice and culminate in reversal in teacher-student relationship in the play. (original abstract)
Persian poetry lingered upon the old classical Persian prosody for more than a thousand year that it stagnated and stopped flowering new concepts and forms. However, Nima broke the dull and monotonous routine of Persian poetry by writing the first true modernist poem. When Nima's "Afsaneh" appeared, traditionalist adamantly opposed its new artistic and aesthetic view due to revealing some similarity with great European romantic examples. The similarity can never be considered as a weak point of "Afsaneh" because Nima has masterfully used European romantic elements to refresh the long-standing tradition of Persian poetry. In this respect, Nima has written his poetry consciously or unconsciously in the same poetic style of great European romantic poets. M. H. Abrams has labeled this poetic style "the greater romantic lyric". As a result, it is tried to examine Nima's "Afsaneh" with respect to Abrams's definition of "the greater romantic lyric" so as to prove that Nima's "Afsaneh" closely conform to this new poetic genre.(original abstract)
Content available remote Using Frequent Pattern Mining Algorithms in Text Analysis
In text mining, effectiveness of methods depends on document representations. The ones based on frequent word sequences are used in such tasks as categorization, clustering and topic modelling. In the paper a comparison of different algorithms for finding frequent word sequences is presented. There are considered techniques dedicated for market basket analysis such as GSP and PrefixSpan as well as a method based on a suffix array. The investigated techniques are compared with the new approach of searching maximum frequent word sequences in document sets. Performance of the algorithms is examined taking into account execution times for the considered test collections. (original abstract)
Tematyka artykułu jest związana z zagadnieniami taksonomicznej klasyfikacji bez- wzorcowej dokumentów tekstowych. Zasadniczym celem pracy jest prezentacja wyników badań wybranych aspektów klasyfikacji dokumentów sporządzonych w języku polskim. Artykuł ma następującą strukturę: omówienie procesu klasyfikacji bezwzorcowej tekstów wraz z przykładem zaprezentowano w punkcie drugim, charakterystyka przeprowadzonego eksperymentu badawczego i uzyskane wyniki stanowią istotę punktu trzeciego, pracę kończy podsumowanie wniosków wynikających z badań. (fragment tekstu)
Często stosowaną form przechowywania informacji w organizacjach i społeczeństwie jest tekst. Tekst może zostać poddany eksploracji w celu pozyskania wcześniej nieznanej i użytecznej wiedzy. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest prezentacja wyników analizy wybranych publikacji naukowych. Analiza została przeprowadzona z wykorzystaniem text mining'u, a jej celem było ustalenie jakich słów najczęściej używali autorzy publikacji, oraz obliczenie korelacji tych słów z innymi.(abstrakt oryginalny)
Celem niniejszej pracy jest próba odtworzenia pierwotnej wersji Dekalogu. Osiągnięcie celu pracy jest możliwe dzięki zestawieniu dwóch masoreckich wariantów dziesięciu przykazań oraz ukazaniu późniejszych amplifikacji. Praca została podzielona na cztery części. Najpierw zestawiono różnice pomiędzy dwiema wskazanymi wersjami. Następnie ustalono pierwszeństwo przekazu różnych wariantów. Potem zrekonstruowano pierwotny tekst Dekalogu, a na koniec wyjaśniono różnice pomiędzy poszczególnymi wersjami dziesięciu przykazań. W świetle przeprowadzonych analiz można stwierdzić, że pierwotna wersja Dekalogu była stosunkowo prosta. Przedstawiona w niniejszym opracowaniu rekonstrukcja zaś ma jedynie charakter hipotetyczny. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Niniejsze opracowanie przybliża pojęcie gramatyki komunikacyjnej. Teoretyczne wprowadzenie samego terminu poprzedza część analityczną, której zadaniem jest przedstawienie wykładników gramatyki komunikacyjnej obecnych w badanych tekstach. Analizie poddane są dwa felietony wybrane spośród tekstów "Tygodnika Powszechnego". Obydwa pochodzą z rubryki "Okruchy Słowa" autorstwa bp. Grzegorza Rysia i stanowią przykłady dydaktycznego dyskursu religijno-dziennikarskiego, każdy z nich realizuje jednak inną intencję komunikacyjną. Podczas gdy jeden ma na celu zmianę postawy odbiorcy, drugi skupia się na przekazie informacji. W zależności od zamierzonego celu autor stosuje środki językowe, z którymi wiążą się odpowiednie znaczniki gramatyki komunikacyjnej. Ich analiza pozwala poznać strukturę tekstu z uwzględnieniem kontekstualnych uwarunkowań.(abstrakt oryginalny)
Hermeneutyka jest sztuką, umiejętnością opartą na regułach. Umiejętność ta dotyczy interpretacji, czyli rozumienia w szczególny - własny - sposób tekstu: wszelkiej całości semantycznej. Reguły sztuki interpretacji, to tekstocentryczność - pomijanie osoby autora; oraz pretekstualność - uznanie tekstu za możliwość urzeczywistnianą w świadomości odbiorczej. (abstrakt oryginalny)
To begin with, Heart of Darkness has always been challenging for every critic who feels the urge to take either pro-colonialist or contra-colonialist positions. However, herein the main focus would be set less upon the binary stances regarding the protagonist and his leanings toward the natives. Based on the indissociability of the psychological-cum-cultural operations, this study lends itself best to an amalgam of Freudian together with Bhabhian theories such as the dreamwork, repetition-compulsion, mimickry and hybridization. That is to say, it deserves attention to see the colonialist ideology through the dissecting lens of psychoanalysis. Besides, Tiffin's subversive counter-discourse would provide a valuable source to this study. The present study aims to explore the underlying motive for Marlow's narration and his interaction with the natives free from a slippery evaluation of the narratives prime facie. Since any consideration of the native-settler relation without taking the mutual impact of one on the other would only reveal a limited angle to the events, Marlow's narration will be less concerned with the Hegelian subject-non-subject dichotomy than the intersection of both, however disguised. Of particular note is that such intersection gives rise to the ensuing ambivalence at the heart of the text, Marlow's account of events, thence the clash of perspectives, whether fictional or critical, can be discerned. Eventually, this hybrid ambivalence casts the text into a hybrid existence that would account for the narrators' neurosis on the one hand and the contradictory critiques on the other(original abstract)
Content available remote The Dictionary Structure for Effective Word Search
In the paper some issues connected with indexing documents in the Polish language are discussed. Algorithms for stemming and part of speech tagging, important in the process of text analysis and indexing are shortly described. Next their suitability to the Polish language, which has a very extensive inflection, is discussed. The usefulness for stemming and part of speech tagging of large dictionaries with inflected forms, like WordNet and open-source dictionary of Polish language is also described. Two dictionary structures enabling effective word searching are presented. In the final part, some tests of implemented two dictionary structures are described. Tests were made on the six actual and three crafted artificial texts. At the end conclusions of performed tests are formulated. (original abstract)
Love is used in different ways in literature. The treatment of love in the love stories of Janette Oke are nearly similar and all show the roles that love plays in life of people and how deal with it. Her novels are among the finest works in Canadian literature without whom the world of Canadian literature would be dark and empty. Love is the eventual weakness, but philosophy, religion and art during time have portrayed it in its place as a way to a higher level of being beyond the pain and transformation of every day. This paper points out to different kinds of love relationship in Oke's fictions. (original abstract)
Love is distinguished as a feeling that begins from the lover's sight to the beloved. In societies in the past, lovers preferred to keep their relationships with the beloved in secret. It means that keeping love as a secret had been appropriate in societies. In present people's view, it is a big problem which cannot be answered with any reason, but religion. Today's lovers are not forced with such problem and they overtly speak about their beloveds. In Janette Oke's fictions, the lovers openly speak about their idiosyncratic behaviors. She shows perfect love in her novels that is against egotism which this paper tries to survey it. (original abstract)
Abay Qunanbaev (Qunanbaiuli) was the founder and architect of Kazakh written literature. Since his childhood, he studied religious science and got acquainted with eastern literature, particularly Iranian classic literature and Persian poetry and poets such as Ferdowsi, Hafiz, Sa'adi, Molavi, Nezami and etc.Abay read epic poetry and odes from the great eastern poets on their original texts or Jugatay (old language of central Asia) translations and first raised prosody derived from Persian poetry in Kazakh poetry and this way many Persian vocabulary entered Kazakh language.Using a bibliographic method, the author in current research studies this Kazakh poet's works from valid and reliable resources. Regarding the special attention paid by this poet to the existing concepts in Persian poetry, particularly those of Ferdowsi, we have attempted to express some of their similarities. (original abstract)
Spontaneous songwriting underlies so many well-known lyrics by the Beatles. Many texts, such as "A Day in the Life" (1967), originated in current newspaper articles or situational contexts (Marchbank, 1978, 92). In this way, Lennon and McCartney have written many songs which not only involve a lot of musical novelty, but are also open to various interpretations. These interpretations often go well beyond the ideas that actually shaped the lyrics. Some of the songs were considered poetry by the Beatles themselves. Lennon, for example, thought so about Across the Universe (1970), which appeared on the "Let It Be" album (Marchbank, 1978, 80). Whether one regards them as such or not, the lyrics frequently employ metaphors which make various readings possible. As in all poetic or artistic texts, the metaphors in the Beatles' lyrics are like those used by people in everyday interaction. In what follows, lyrics of four songs will be discussed. Each of them contains conventional metaphors. In the case of Maxwell's Silver Hammer (1969), the metaphor is deeply entrenched in everyday discourse. In "Happiness Is A Warm Gun" (1968), the conventional metaphors spring from a non-conventional piece of advertisement. "You've Got To Hide Your Love Away" (1965) and "Nowhere Man" (1965) both contain probably the most common of all metaphors, yet they take the possible interpretations much further than the original intentions of the authors. It is especially evident in the case of "Nowhere Man", which will be given most attention below. (fragment of text)
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