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Modele MARIMA są jedną z klas modeli szeregów czasowych, która dzięki swoim własnościom może znaleźć praktyczne zastosowanie w wielu dziedzinach. Modele te nie są jednak często stosowane. W większości popularnych programów komputerowych do statystycznej analizy danych nie ma zaimplementowanych algorytmów identyfikacji modeli MARIMA oraz estymacji ich parametrów. SCA Statistical System jest jednym z nielicznych, który oferuje takie możliwości. W artykule przedstawiono metodykę budowy modeli MARIMA z wykorzystaniem programu SCA. Na przykładzie analizy szeregu czasowego wartości sprzedaży przedyskutowano kolejne etapy tworzenia modeli: identyfikację, estymację, diagnostykę i prognozowanie. (fragment tekstu)
Przedstawiono oprogramowanie procedur Statystycznej Kontroli Jakości, które będzie można wykorzystać w bieżącej kontroli jakości w toku produkcji jak również do celów dydaktycznych w szkołach wyższych.
Content available remote Europejski system statystyczny - sieciowość w badaniach społecznych
Celem artykułu jest wskazanie na całościowe ujęcie badań statystycznych prowadzonych w UE. Dziesięć lat członkostwa Polski w UE to również dziesięć lat nowych doświadczeń udziału we wspólnych badaniach. Przybliżono tu podstawowe dokumenty wypracowane dla realizacji wspólnych badań. Omówiono najważniejsze badanie europejskie w zakresie statystyki społecznej: badanie dochodów i warunków życia.(abstrakt oryginalny)
Statistics has accompanied the social forms of human civilization since its inception, reflecting also conflicts and wars. Statistics acts as a beacon, especially in turbulent times, capturing the most important aspects of reality, while helping decision-makers navigate key choices in the face of adversity of a radically changing situation. To this end, statisticians of a war-affected country make every effort by adapting the way statistics work to overcome methodological and organizational obstacles in everyday professional work, including innovative development of research instruments to substitute the destroyed or unavailable ones. Historical records indicate that the first statistical tables began to appear in Sumer, Egypt, ancient China, Babylon, and Assyria. Statistics continues its role with increasing scope and importance through centuries, with especially hard time during the Second World War, when conducting statistical research was prohibited in the German-occupied countries. Currently, we are witnessing how Ukraine gives examples of heroism also in the sphere of official statistics, striving to fulfill its mission of constantly informing state institutions and society despite the extraordinary wartime challenges. (fragment of text)
Breakdown of the Soviet Union has clearly revealed insufficiency and in many directions even unsuitability of the existing for many years system of economic and statistical information for assessment of radical changes taking place in economy and social life. Serious reconstruction was needed of the existing fundamentals of primary accounting and statistics by means of reforming common methodological and organizational basis of statistics itself, as well as adjusting it in accordance with international rules and standards. (original abstract)
Making optimal decisions in the context of economic integration with the European Union requires a creation of the harmonized information system within the framework of the Eastern Partnership. Therefore, the official statistics plays a more important role in questions related to improvement of statistical methodology, establishment of information resources, development and implementation of the common standards of statistical data provision and sharing. It is evident that such an information system must be created with consideration for capacities of national statistical systems of the Eastern Partnership member countries. Presently, the cooperation between the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus and the Statistical Office of the European Communities has become fairly stable. The Belstat regularly provides the statistics on the following topics: foreign trade, demographics and annual data reflecting socio-economic development of the country (Eurostat questionnaire for countries with economies in transition). The global assessment of Belarusian statistics, carried out in 2007 by Eurostat, showed that Belarus has a comprehensive, consistent, and well established statistical information system which includes all statistical domains allowing for provision of comparable data in most areas. (short original abstract)
Właściwe funkcjonowanie współpracy obszarów przygranicznych (euroregionów), oparte na wzajemnym zaufaniu wszystkich stron takiego porozumienia, zależy także od posiadania odpowiedniej informacji statystycznej. W opracowaniu autor zaproponował ramy organizacyjne statystyki regionalnej, omówił jej zadania, przeprowadził analizę porównawczą statystyki polskiej i międzynarodowej. Na przykładzie dorobku WUS w Jeleniej Górze przedstawił zakres tematyczny polskiej statystyki regionalnej.
The statistical process is a multifaceted, socially immersed research process. Statistics as a research activity is-and statistics as a product are-influenced by a variety of factors, covariates, and participants/stakeholders in data generation, analysis, dissemination and use. The aim of this paper is to identify and systematize key elements of the socio-cognitive status of statistics and of relations between statistics and society. To this end, a conceptual meta-model of the statistical process, involving an interwoven "logic of method" and "logic of action," provides a framework for the exploration of statistics from the perspective of sociology. Given that social, cultural, and political conditions affect the quality of statistical products and the status of statistical institutions, sociological study seems especially well suited to dealing with the complexity of the issues involved. To be successful, however, advances in the sociology of statistics are also desirable. (original abstract)
The purpose of the article is to evaluate the possibilities of evaluating sustainable tourism in Polish tourist regions, in particular, through the use of ETIS indicators and to assess for the availability of data for their calculation in the nationwide statistical system. Qualitative research methodology was used to study the availability of ETIS indicators. A diagnostic type research procedure was adopted and the desk research method was used. In a situation where the data necessary for calculating a given indicator was not found in the available sources, primary research in the form of direct interviews with representatives of branches of Statistical Offices was used. In order to quantify the availability of ETIS indicators, a system for their evaluation was adopted and aggregate indicators were proposed for the evaluation of sections and individual criteria in the section, which is the author's attempt to develop a unified system for evaluating sustainable tourism indicators. The results of the study showed that the availability of data for calculating ETIS indicators in Poland is not satisfactory. The lowest rating was given to the availability of indicators that facilitate the management of the resort, including the tourists' satisfaction survey (section A). Also rated very low was the availability of indicators of the environmental impact of tourism in a resort (section D). The results obtained confirm the results of studies by other authors dealing with the issue of the real use of ETIS in tourist regions of other countries. (original abstract)
A lot of similar features can be observed in the development of the Eastern and Western European statistical systems during the past 20 years, but there are also a lot of differences. While after the collapse of the Communist Block the CIS countries started to co-ordinate statistical activities, the other group of countries followed the goal of acceding to the European Union. For this reason the development of statistical systems in these countries was almost completely focused on taking into use the shaped and continuously developing practice of the European Statistical System. The transition experience of these countries was of great value. For its small size and compactness, Estonia can be looked upon as a laboratory where new undertakings can be implemented more easily compared to large systems. Transition experiences can be observed from different aspects. A new legal-institutional framework had to be established, sample-based survey methodologies and new classifications had to be put into use, collection of entirely new type of data (e.g. the intra-Community foreign trade statistics) had to be prepared, and statistical registers had to be established. As the resources of transition society are scarce, the organisation and processes had to be organised as effectively as possible in order to cope with a large-scope statistical programme of the EU. Estonia has the IT-state image but swift implementation of opportunities arising from the IT development in the production of statistics has not proved easy. Nevertheless, during the last decade, the data collection, processing and publication have undergone great development. One of the most important aspects ensuring successful transition is a change in the mentality of statistical organisation. The transition period has proved that encouraging the younger generation specialists to stay at Statistics Estonia has been a real challenge and in several spheres we have managed to fulfil time- and energy-consuming tasks due to the great devotion of our specialists who are known for their long-term experience. (original abstract)
Main Components of the National Statistical System Transformation Process consists of: regulatory support, organization of activity (planning and coordination), methodological work, technical and tooling support, staffing. We can distinguish several priorities of further development of the National Statistical System - Further improvement of the regulatory foundations of statistical activity towards bringing them in line with the European Statistical Compendium. - Implementation of a process approach in the statistical activity organization and improvement of the state statistical bodies structure and management on this basis. - More complete satisfaction of the current needs and identification of future priority expectations of data users as a basis for prospective and current planning of state statistical observations. - Improvement of the statistical data quality, implementation of the quality measurement, using criteria of the European statistical system, and preparation of the quality reports for users. - Reduction of the reporting burden on respondents by expanding the use of administrative data, introducing sample observation methods, integrating state statistical reporting forms and promoting the electronic reporting methods. - Development of statistical infrastructure, use of the methodology and implementation procedures that are, to the highest extent possible, compatible with the European and other international standards. - Introduction of the metadata driven integrated statistical data processing system. - Preparation of the national Code of Ethics for employees of state statistics bodies. - Implementation of measures of the Concept of Confidential Statistical Information Protection. - Development and maintenance of knowledge and competence of employees of statistical bodies, including, besides Russian, fluency in English. (original abstract)
1. Transparency and coherence of social and economic information between countries is the prerequisite and of international cooperation and strengthening relations based on partnership and mutual trust. The closer are institutionalized and informal relations between countries, their governments, NGO's, businesses and citizens, the stronger is the need for transparency in all spheres of social and economic information. 2. The mission of official statistics in globalized, more open economy is to (a) providing methods and tools of quality control of public information, (b) producing information relevant to the needs of all users and (c) widening and facilitating the accessibility and international interchange of information. 3. In modern ICT environment the international parainformation platform embedded in official statistical systems of cooperating countries is the optimal, efficient, easy to implement and relatively cheap instrument to provide information transparency in international, heterogeneous environment. 4. General conceptual foundations and function of the platform are presented. It is stressed that the participation in information interchange via the platform does not need to introduce any changes in existing information systems of cooperating countries. The value added of the platform for all stakeholders would be the homogeneous retrieving of data from accessible systems and data bases both statistical and administrative systems via the platform. Important value added would be the integration of statistical parainformation resources of countries in one database, i.e. the base storing verified and updated information on accessible systems, information resources and the institutions managing those systems and resources of all cooperating countries and organizations. 5. The role and contribution of the statistical parainformation platform in strengthening the integrity of statistical information systems and relevant administrative and scientific information systems on international scale, with special reference to the needs of the Eastern Partnership, are discussed. (original abstract)
Autor w oparciu o Europejską Klasyfikację Działalności podejmuje próbę charakterystyki sektorowej struktury gospodarki Polski jako całości oraz wybranego województwa jeleniogórskiego.
Współpraca europejskich regionów transgranicznych stawia przed polskim systemem statystycznym konieczność dostosowania statystyki polskiej do standardów europejskich ze względu na brak możliwości porównywania zbieranych danych statystycznych. Autor identyfikuje obszary współpracy transgranicznej i zadania jakie stoją przed statystyką, w szczególności w zakresie dostępności i porównywalności danych.
Opracowanie, to identyfikacja informacyjnych możliwości sprostania przez polską statystykę publiczną wymogom sporządzanych przez Komisję Europejską rocznych syntetycznych raportów. Identyfikacji i pomiarowi zmian w różnych segmentach społecznej i gospodarczej rzeczywistości poszczególnych krajów Unii Europejskiej, służą zbiory dziedzinowych wskaźników strukturalnych. Kraje, które zgłaszają swój akces do Unii Europejskiej, w tym również Polska, powinny ocenić stopień kompatybilności informacyjnej i metodologicznej w tym zakresie. W artykule podjęto próbę takiej oceny.
Przedstawiono analizę systemu informacyjnego centralnej administracji rządowej w aspekcie Ustawy o Statystyce Publicznej z 1995 roku.
Autorka scharakteryzowała polski system statystyczny, zwracając uwagę na te jego jego cechy, które się zdezaktualizowały i są nieprzydatne w nowych warunkach społeczno-gospodarczych i konieczność dostosowania do międzynarodowych standardów, opracowanych i zalecanych przez ONZ bądź EUROSTAT. Konieczne jest przede wszystkim wprowadzenie sposobu definiowania wielu pojęć, w celu zapewnienia porównywalności ze standardami międzynarodowymi. Od 1991 trwa proces wdrażania Europejskiej Klasyfikacji Działalności (EKD). Autorka porównała EKD i KGN oraz sposób liczenia dochodu narodowego i miejsca w nim usług i konsumpcji wg SNA (ONZ) i MPS.
Omówiono wpływ przekształceń ustrojowo-systemowych w Polsce na politykę dochodową państwa. Przedstawiono makroekonomiczną analizę rozwoju dochodów sektora gospodarstw domowych w latach 1991-1995 oraz analizę zmian dochodu rozporządzalnego na tle wyników badań budżetów gospodarstw domowych. Podkreślono złożoność badań nad dochodami i konieczność ich ciągłego prowadzenia w różnych ujęciach. Celem tych badań jest uzyskanie informacji przydatnych dla polityki dochodowej i społecznej państwa w celu jej dostosowania do oczekiwań społeczeństwa w warunkach gospodarki rynkowej.
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