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2021 | nr 11(4) | 1--17
Tytuł artykułu

Polish Economy in 1990-2018: Balance of Development in new Political Conditions

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Języki publikacji
Thirty years of Poland's economic development in new political conditions is a good opportunity to study the course of the economic development process. This article presents the results of research that takes into account macroeconomic indicators that synthesize important development categories. These indicators concern the demographic situation (population, natural increase, economic activity and unemployment rate), economy (GDP, inflation, number of business entities, investment outlays, budget deficit) and standard of living of the population (remuneration, housing situation, cars). In the study, a graphic method of time series analysis was applied, i.e. a connected trajectory, allowing a synthetic assessment of development processes in terms of aspects that express the considered features. Presentation of the research results is preceded by a presentation of the causes of transformation and an indication of development factors and conditions, in particular after 1989. The study is general and synthetic and does not take into account the details that had an impact on the situation described by the size of the indicators taken into account.(original abstract)
Opis fizyczny
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