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Content available remote Ratio Analysis of Processing Wooden By-Products Into Energy
The article is a presentation of a method of pricing sawmill by-products converted into energy. This method embraces a number of indicators enabling an entrepreneur, the owner of wood waste, to evaluate profitability of converting it into energy. Among these indicators are: maximum margin, maximum cost of processing, maximum price of purchasing by-products assigned for conversion, maximum distance from which raw material may be transported and the minimum sales price of the final product possible to accept by the producer. The method accounts for both using generated energy for producer's own purposes as well as its sale to external clients. It also helps to determine price competitiveness of energy generated from purchased wood waste with an intention of further sale in comparison with other energy carriers(original abstract)
Content available remote The Impact of Inflation on Wood Market Economic Situation
Economic situation on Polish wood market in the second half of 2014 as well as the impact of deflation processes on the condition of sawmill enterprises was presented here.(original abstract)
Content available remote Factors Conditioning Prices of Sawmill By-Products
During the research various factors conditioning the changes in prices of sawmill by-products: price of sawmill raw material, seasonality of demand and supply, inflation, euro rate as well as general climate and economic situation in industry. Also the fact of Polish accession to the European Union has been taken into consideration and the implementation of rules concerning the production of renewable energy forcing onto energy sector the obligation for co-firing biomass with other fuels. (original abstract)
Z przeprowadzonych badań własnych, objętych grantem KBN nr 3 P06L-041-22 (Dzbeński i in. 2004), wynikają dosyć pesymistyczne stwierdzenia co do perspektyw uczestniczenia polskiego przemysłu tartacznego w podziale rynku unijnego, a mianowicie: a) obowiązujące w Polsce regulacje i przedsięwzięcia dostosowawcze nie w pełni odpowiadają zakresowi prawa wspólnotowego Unii Europejskiej; b) przedsiębiorstwa krajowe wykazują na ogół małe zainteresowanie normami europejskimi, co poważnie utrudni konfrontację ekonomicznych możliwości polskiego tartacznictwa z wymogami i standardami unijnymi, a przede wszystkich ograniczy zawieranie umów handlowych; c) tylko nieliczne przedsiębiorstwa uzyskały certyfikaty wprowadzające normy serii ISO 9000 (zarządzanie poprzez jakość), serii ISO 14000 (zarządzanie ochroną środowiska), i serii ISO 18000 (zarządzanie bhp), bez których wątpliwa staje się konkurencyjność większości polskich tartaków na rynku europejskim; d) tylko nieliczne, zazwyczaj duże przedsiębiorstwa eksportujące korzystają z uzyskanych certyfikatów FSC na wyroby produkowane z surowca pozyskanego w certyfikowanych, a więc prawidłowo zarządzanych i niezdewastowanych, tzn. wszystkich lasach państwowych, podczas gdy eksport z małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw do krajów zachodnioeuropejskich (zwłaszcza do Wielkiej Brytanii) jest poważnie ograniczony; e) innowacyjność produkcji w polskim przemyśle tartacznym nadal znacznie ustępuje poczynaniom w tym zakresie ze strony prężnych przedsiębiorstw zachodnioeuropejskich, co utrudni polskim eksporterom dostęp do rynku zachodnioeuropejskiego. Warto się zastanowić nad podejmowaniem prób zaradzenia tej niekorzystnej sytuacji, istniejącej w polskim tartacznictwie, na tle całego sektora leśno-drzewnego w naszym kraju. Przy tym pojęcie sektora leśno-drzewnego w Polsce nie jest pełnoprawne - chociażby ze względu na niezadowalający przepływ informacji między leśnictwem a przemysłem. Konkurencyjność przemysłu tartacznego jest uzależniona od potencjału produkcyjnego polskiej bazy surowcowej i możliwości konkurowania polskiego leśnictwa w Europie. (fragment tekstu)
Content available remote Sawmill Production in the Czech Republic - Situation and Development Tendency
In the Czech Republic, the wood-processing industry is a significant branch considering the tradition and the sufficient amount of raw material base of domestic origin. This time, the article focuses on the issues of sawmill production - structure, situation and development tendency of processors - and it analyses certain economic relation and indices. It also analyses the options and risks of future development even in relation to competitiveness within the European Union.(original abstract)
Content available remote Economic Aspects of Processing Sawmill Residue Into Briquettes
Systematic increase of demand for wooden biomass and fuels generated from it is the result of the need to fulfill European Union obligations. For those sawmills which very often operate on the verge of profitability it creates a chance for improving their efficiency. Those having a sufficient amount of raw material at their disposal should consider launching production of wooden briquettes, as such initiative does not require any significant investment and may be complementary to company primary activities. Profitability of such venture depends on numerous variables. The aim of this article was to determine the value of sawmill residue when processed further into briquettes taking into account the impact of various factors. The research took account of: material intensity ratio depending on the material used, sales price per unit of final product, the entrepreneur's target margin, briquettes production cost as well as the cost of transport in case of those enterprises which do not possess their own raw material.(original abstract)
Content available remote Sawmill Wood Residues Balance Including Refining Process
The principles of residues disposal are outlined in Article 5 of the Bill on waste from the 27th of April 2001 [Ustawa 2001] which states that activities connected with waste creation should be carried out in such fashion that both the waste quantity as well as its negative impact on the environment should be minimized during production, when using the product and in subsequent period of its utilization. In case residues cannot be eliminated the bill prescribes to either utilize or recycle the residue in question. Article 9 of the bill additionally states that the residue should be utilized or recycled in the place of its origin, when it is not possible the residues should be transported to the nearest place where such utilization or recycling process could be carried out. Despite recently observed technological development, especially in larger sawmills, resulting in the decrease in the amount of waste, wood breakdown still remains a significant source of residue creation. Sawdust and shavings utilization does not represent any problem. The wood waste which has not been used in the place of its origin for fuel becomes valuable raw material for numerous clients fiercely competing for it. Apart from pulp and paper industry, particle and chipboard producers, garden furniture producers as well as briquettes and pallets producers various other very strong competitors have emerged: power stations being one of them. Those plants, in a very controversial way though, have been implementing recommendations from the most important for the sector document on: Renewable Energy Development Strategy [Strategia 2001] which obliges power plants to increase the share of renewable sources in country fuel-energy balance from 7.5% in 2010 to 14% in 2020. Energy sector does not undertake very expensive investments linked to the construction of solar and wind power stations. In order to fulfil European Union requirements it uses much cheaper and easily obtainable source of renewable energy that is wood waste. Due to high penalties for not fulfilling the Treaty's provisions energy sector is willing to pay a lot for the residues becoming a significant thread for other recipients of that material(fragment of text)
Content available remote Effectiveness of Complex Processing of Beech Wood
The paper presents results of investigations on the effectiveness of the primary and secondary conversion of beech wood into semi-finished products in conditions of the ZPD Kolacz Sawmill which belongs to one of the companies of the KPPD S.A. Holding with the headquarters in Szczecinek. As a result of conducted experiments, quality and dimensional characteristics of lumber converted at the plant were determined. Dimensional groups of representative logs were selected, experimental conversions were performed, suitability of lumber of different quality grades and provenance was evaluated, based on cross stem section, for the production of customized half-finished production. Moreover, efficiency of production was determined for sawn products and customized products(original abstract)
Content available remote The Analysis of Sawmill Logs Sorting Acuteness at Automatic Sorting Lines
The paper includes the results of measurements of timber logs sorting by a modern, equipped with the newest measurement and steering systems line for automatic pretreatment of timber materials. The examined research was made in one of sawmills of Pomeranian Voivodeship.(original abstract)
The most accessible and especially valuable for energy sector type of biomass is wood, its post-production residue as well as fuels based on wooden residue. One such fuel with the best prospects for further development is wooden pellet which due to its high stability and homogeneity guarantees the highest energy concentration per unit as well as the possibility for fully automated burning process. The aim of the article was researching the influence of selected factors on the increase in value of various types of wooden residue when processed into pellet. The research took into account the following variables determining this value: raw material intensity ratio depending on the type of material being used, sales price of a single unit of finished product, margin envisioned by the producer, production cost of wooden fuel and the cost of transport considered only in the situation when there is a need for purchasing raw material.(original abstract)
Quality is becoming a critical factor for business success. To ensure quality, companies introduced the so-called factory production control, which allows for deciding whether products meet the required quality parameters. In the manufacturing of large-scale wood-based materials quality control is regulated by the European standard EN 326-2: 2010, wood-based panels, sampling, cutting and inspection. The objective of the paper is to present recommended procedures for identifying the characteristics of the sample, the determination of confidence limits and defining the way of deciding whether the products conform with the requirements and how to proceed if the products do not meet the requirements. Factory production control allows for continuous analysis of the production process and evaluation of the effectiveness of changes introduced to the manufacturing thereof.(original abstract)
Content available remote Comparative Effectiveness of Marking of Sawmill Products on the Global Market
Efficiency of wood processing for materials and saw mill products depends of many production, technological as also market factors. There are pereceived in globalization market conditions, also for saw mill products in the European Union countries important differences concerning size of wood processing factories, as also production methods and productivity of technological devices. Transformation of saw mill industry in Poland is united with creation of many new lumber producers and small economic subjects of very different technical-technological level. A developpement of small saw mills was a result of favourable policy of wood selling of the State Forest (Lasy Państwowe) and the state fiscal policy. As it shows the GUS (the Main Statistical Office) datas a number of economical subject busied, by official Polish Activity Classification (PKD), wood production and wood products (in it: saw mill products, boards, plywoods, veneers, carpenter products, boxes, cork and wicker products - except furnitures) was stabilized on 25 thousend level. By K. Jabłoński (7) analysis, taking into concideration quantity of bought in the State Forests raw material, they dominate in polish saw mill industry factories of 500-2000 m³/year (about 1100). Small and medium enterprise group presenting 80% of factories, that they produce wood products and employing to 200 workers qualify the bigest developpement dynamics. In the EU countries we wait in near future a concentration of working potential and its specialization. The example can be german saw mills eg. of Klaus Ruser group (Schleswig-Holstein) or recently constructed the biggest saw mill in Europe in Wismar (Meklenburgia) oriented to bigsize lumber production mainly for building using (9,11(original abstract)
Content available remote Computer Support of Saw Mill Enterprise Management
Considering a fact of entering Poland to the European Union it exists necessity of competition betterment of polish wood enterprises in the european market. One of ways of realization of this aim is production processes optimization, and what is united growth of activity efficiency of this enterprises. Saw mills competing in the market frecuently taking into consideration profits from new technological solutions application consisting among other things production processes automation (logs sorting, digital steered tool machines) and introducing computer methods for production steering or log sawing optimization. An introducing computer methods to planning processes and saw mill production steering considering technological-economical factors in following phases of processing permits for technological process optimization, what in consequence increase production efficiency.(original abstract)
Content available remote Increasing Wood Waste Value Through Pelleting Process
An ever growing demand for eco-fuels have caused strong competition resulting in a drastic increase in prices. Sawmills - until recently operating on the verge of profitability are being faced with a huge opportunity for improving their efficiency, not only through the sales of wood waste but also via undertaking the process of refining that wood waste leading towards significant increase of their value. The paper presents a method of valuating wood waste being processed into different types of products with a special emphasis on the most rapidly developing eco-fuel that is pellet. The costs of production were determined depending on the type of wood waste being used: sawdust, chips, small-sized residues. The value of individual kinds of wood waste being transformed into pellet was also determined and compared with the value of the sales of wood waste before refining it. A method of evaluating profitability of wood waste processing as an alternative for its sales through setting so called border margin was given. (original abstract)
Wood branch development and global volume of wood working depend of demand for its products. Research of structure and assortment of saw-mills production in Poland in examples of different factories indicate for fundamental significance of technological efficiency of wood working processes. Wood working and determined sawn products production efficiency ought to consider regarding raw-material productivity indicators. It is formed also rawmaterial and products prizes. Sawn products production efficiency level, taking into consideration creasing prices of polish raw-material, it has in the last period decreasing trend and it is a negative phenomenon for producers of this products. (original abstract)
Content available remote Pelleting Wood Waste - Technological and Economic Aspects
A rapid increase in wood waste prices, which has been observed in recent years was caused by the appearance of new competition on the market, namely power plants, obliged to implement the regulations integrated in the Strategy for the development of renewable energy. The most easily accessible renewable source of energy for energy sector are both all kinds of wood waste as well as fuels produced on its basis. The beneficiaries of that tough competition on wood waste market are their producers, mostly saw mills, which until recently have been operating on the verge of profitability. Depending on the volume of wood waste at their disposal they should consider as an alternative for its sales undertaking wood waste refining process. One of the possibilities is launching pellet production, which as has been proved in the paper is a high quality eco-fuel, in great demand on European markets, with large expansion possibilities. For the purpose of profitability evaluation a method based on valuating wood waste processed into pellet has been proposed. (original abstract)
Content available remote Wood Waste Value as a Function of Energy Production Profitability Criteria
W zmieniających się relacjach na rynku nośników energii w ostatnim okresie zwiększyło się zainteresowanie przerobem tańszych sortymentów drewna oraz odpadów drzewnych na energię w procesie spalania. Zakłady pierwiastkowego przerobu drewna, dysponując określoną pulą odpadów drzewnych, dążą do jak najbardziej efektywnego ich zagospodarowania. Proponowany wzór umożliwia wycenę różnych rodzajów drewna odpadowego kierowanego do spalania. Na podstawie opracowanej metody można dokonać wyboru struktury wykorzystania drewna na cele energetyczne, zarówno w obrębie większego podmiotu przerabiającego drewno, jak i w makroskali gospodarczej. (abstrakt oryginalny)
Na podstawie badań efektywności produkcji jakie przeprowadzono w 2006 oraz pierwszej połowie 2007 roku określono rentowność polskich tartaków na tle przemysłu drzewnego. Zakład w którym zostały przeprowadzone doświadczenia jest reprezentatywny dla największej grupy tartaków w Polsce. Tartak należy do grupy małych zakładów produkując głównie tarcicę budowlaną oraz meblową, z czego sprzedaż na rynek krajowy i zagraniczny rozkłada się po 50%. Rynek krajowy pochłania tarcicę meblową (50*100mm oraz 47*95mm), podczas gdy do krajów zachodnich eksportowana jest głównie tarcica budowlana z (50*250mm oraz 80*100mm). Do badań przyjęto produkty charakterystyczne dla obu segmentów przemysłu drzewnego. (fragment tekstu)
Celem opracowania jest próba scharakteryzowania jakości warunków pracy na podstawie opinii pracowników wybranego zakładu przerobu drewna usytuowanego na obszarze Śląska Opolskiego wyrażonych w dwukrotnych badań ankietowych. Zbadano stopień świadomości pracowników w odniesieniu do ryzyka zawodowego, stosowania środków ochrony indywidualnej oraz stanu ich zdrowia. Na tej podstawie dokonano oceny warunków pracy. Pierwsze badanie przeprowadzono w trakcie analizy jakości warunków pracy w przemyśle Śląska Opolskiego w okresie transformacji gospodarczej. Wówczas analizą objęto kilkaset zakładów przemysłu drzewnego i cementowego. W 2013 r. postanowiono przeprowadzić po raz drugi to samo badanie ankietowe w jednym z zakładów. Decyzja ta została podyktowana tym, że w 2006 r. zakład ten został zakupiony przez zagraniczny koncern i zaczął się dynamicznie rozwijać, co nie jest częstym przypadkiem w przemyśle tartacznym. Podejmując się powtórnej analizy, chciano pokazać, że zmiana właściciela miała pozytywny wpływ nie tylko na poprawę kondycji finansowej zakładu, ale również na warunki pracy.(abstrakt oryginalny)
Umiejętne wykorzystanie posiadanej wiedzy i informacji pozwala na osiągnięcie przewagi konkurencyjnej. Ciągłe zmiany zachodzące w otoczeniu zmuszają przedsiębiorstwa do elastycznego działania oraz ciągłego doskonalenia się. W tym celu niezbędne jest wprowadzanie innowacji. W artykule zaprezentowano przykład przedsiębiorstwa branży tartacznej, które dzięki takiemu podejściu osiągnęło pozycję lidera na rynku krajowym.(abstrakt oryginalny)
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